Products under £32

Did you know that BioLegend has a plethora of products priced at or below £32? Check out our every day value we can provide to support your research! Be sure to also check our Promotions page to find even more savings.


Error executing template "Designs/BioLegend/eCom/Productlist/productList.cshtml"
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_ba319c5cdc0e4f418601fe15af5411da.GetFilterData(String fieldID) in f:\Domains\Sites\\Files\Templates\Designs\BioLegend\eCom\Productlist\productList.cshtml:line 969
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_ba319c5cdc0e4f418601fe15af5411da.Execute() in f:\Domains\Sites\\Files\Templates\Designs\BioLegend\eCom\Productlist\productList.cshtml:line 660
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()

1 @inherits RazorTemplateBase<RazorTemplateModel<Template>> 2 @using Dynamicweb; 3 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend; 4 @using Dynamicweb.Rendering; 5 @using System; 6 @using System.IO; 7 @using System.Web; 8 @using System.Data; 9 @using System.Text; 10 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 11 @using BioLegend.Ecommerce.LiveIntegration; 12 @using System.Collections.Generic; 13 @using System.Linq; 14 @using System.Collections; 15 @using System.Runtime.Caching; 16 17 @using System.Collections.Specialized; 18 @using System.Linq 19 @functions { 20 21 public string LocalizeLinksHTML (string HtmlContent){ 22 int areaID = Pageview.Area.ID; 23 var area = Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(areaID); 24 string areaCulture = area.Culture.ToLower(); 25 if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HtmlContent)){ 26 if(HtmlContent.IndexOf("dwcountry") > -1){ 27 return HtmlContent.Replace("dwcountry",areaCulture); 28 } else{ 29 return HtmlContent; 30 } 31 32 } else { 33 return HtmlContent; 34 } 35 36 } 37 38 public string LocalizeLinks (string HtmlContent){ 39 int areaID = Pageview.Area.ID; 40 var area = Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(areaID); 41 string areaCulture = area.Culture.ToLower(); 42 if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HtmlContent)){ 43 if(HtmlContent.IndexOf("dwcountry") > -1){ 44 return HtmlContent.Replace("dwcountry",areaCulture); 45 } else if (HtmlContent.IndexOf("?ID=") > -1) { 46 //do something 47 string baseHref = String.Format("https://{0}",GetGlobalValue("Global:Request.Host")); 48 HtmlContent = HtmlContent.Contains("http") ? HtmlContent : baseHref + "/" + HtmlContent; 49 var uri = new Uri(HtmlContent,UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); 50 var parsedQuery = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query); 51 var pageID = parsedQuery.Get("ID"); 52 53 string pageVersionID = pageID; 54 string localizedLink = HtmlContent; 55 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageID)){ 56 var pageService = new Dynamicweb.Content.PageService(); 57 var linkPage = pageService.GetPagesByAreaID(areaID).FirstOrDefault(x => x.MasterPageId == int.Parse(pageID)); 58 pageVersionID = linkPage != null ? linkPage.ID.ToString() : pageID ; 59 60 localizedLink = ModifyQueryStringValue(HtmlContent,"ID",pageVersionID); 61 } 62 //return string.Join(",", parsedQuery.AllKeys); 63 //return string.Join(HtmlContent,"-",pageVersionID); 64 return localizedLink; 65 } else { 66 return HtmlContent; 67 } 68 }else { 69 return HtmlContent; 70 } 71 72 } 73 74 private string ModifyQueryStringValue(string p_query, string p_Name, string p_NewValue) 75 { 76 Uri uri = new Uri(p_query,UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); 77 //if(p_query.Contains("http")) 78 //{ 79 //uri = new Uri(p_query); 80 //} else { 81 //uri = new Uri(p_query, UriKind.Relative); 82 //} 83 //uri = new Uri(p_query); 84 85 86 87 var nameValues = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query); 88 nameValues.Set(p_Name, p_NewValue); 89 string url = uri.AbsolutePath + "?" + nameValues.ToString(); 90 return url; 91 } 92 } 93 @{ 94 bool isAValidSearch = true; 95 if ((System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Keywords"] != null || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["adv1"] != null ) && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["k1"] == null && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["p1"] == null && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["adv1-k1"] == null) 96 { 97 isAValidSearch = ProcessRequest(); 98 } 99 } 100 @functions { 101 public const int numberOfAdvFields = 7; // Number of free text fields (adv) in the advanced search 102 103 /* This method get all the ADV parameters values and concatenate that values into a string */ 104 public static string GetAllTheAdvValuesFromQuery() 105 { 106 var allAdvValues = string.Empty; 107 108 for (int adv = 1; adv <= numberOfAdvFields; adv++) 109 { 110 var currentAdv = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["adv" + adv]; 111 112 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAdv)) 113 { 114 allAdvValues += " " + currentAdv; 115 } 116 } 117 118 return allAdvValues; 119 } 120 121 /* This method gets the number of kewords per input */ 122 public static List<int> GetNumberOfKeywordsPerInput() 123 { 124 var kewordsCount = new List<int>(); 125 126 for (int adv = 1; adv <= numberOfAdvFields; adv++) 127 { 128 var currentAdv = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["adv" + adv]; 129 130 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAdv)) continue; 131 string[] splitParams = currentAdv.Split(' '); 132 kewordsCount.Add(splitParams.Length); 133 } 134 135 return kewordsCount; 136 } 137 138 /* This method returns the parameters from the "thesaurus" named item list */ 139 public static string GetParamsFromThesaurus( bool isLiveSearch, List<string> keywords, int advNumber = 1) 140 { 141 var prefixParameter = isLiveSearch ? string.Format("adv{0}-k", advNumber) : "k"; 142 var parameter = string.Empty; 143 144 for (var i = 0; i < keywords.Count; i++) 145 { 146 parameter += "&" + prefixParameter + (i + 1) + "=" + keywords[i]; 147 148 using (var connection = Dynamicweb.Data.Database.CreateConnection()) 149 { 150 using (var commandSearchTerms = connection.CreateCommand()) 151 { 152 commandSearchTerms.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT RelatedTerm FROM {0} WHERE SearchTerm = ''+@keywordSearch+''", "itemtype_thesaurus"); 153 154 commandSearchTerms.Parameters.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() 155 { 156 ParameterName = "keywordSearch", 157 SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 158 Value = keywords[i] 159 }); 160 161 var readerSearch = commandSearchTerms.ExecuteScalar(); 162 163 if(readerSearch != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(readerSearch.ToString())) 164 { 165 parameter += ","+readerSearch; 166 } 167 } 168 } 169 } 170 return parameter; 171 } 172 173 public bool ProcessRequest() 174 { 175 string id = Pageview.Page.ID.ToString(); 176 string postKeywords = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Keywords"] ?? ""; 177 postKeywords = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(postKeywords) ? postKeywords : GetAllTheAdvValuesFromQuery(); 178 string criteria = ""; 179 bool isLiveSearch = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["isLiveSearch"]) ? Convert.ToBoolean(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["isLiveSearch"]) : false; 180 181 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postKeywords)) 182 { 183 criteria = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(postKeywords.Trim()); 184 criteria = criteria.Replace("\"", ""); 185 criteria = criteria.Replace("&ldquo;", ""); 186 criteria = criteria.Replace("&rdquo;", ""); 187 criteria = criteria.Replace("“", ""); 188 criteria = criteria.Replace("”;", ""); 189 criteria = criteria.Replace("&#8220;", ""); 190 criteria = criteria.Replace("&#8221;", ""); 191 criteria = criteria.Replace("&#34;", ""); 192 } 193 194 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "cyclin a", "cyclin.a", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 195 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "protein a", "protein.a", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 196 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "granzyme a", "granzyme.a", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 197 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "buffer set a", "buffer set.a", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 198 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "glycophorin a", "glycophorin.a", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 199 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "do-7", "DO7", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 200 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "and-1", "AND1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 201 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "total%20seq", "totalseq", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 202 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "totalseq-a", "totalseqa", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 203 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "totalseq-b", "totalseqb", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 204 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "totalseq-c", "totalseqc", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 205 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "totalseq-d", "totalseqd", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 206 207 208 string tableName = "UrlPath"; 209 string urlToRedirect = ""; 210 using (var connection = Dynamicweb.Data.Database.CreateConnection()) 211 { 212 using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) 213 { 214 command.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE UrlPathPath = ''+@keyword+''", tableName); 215 command.Parameters.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() 216 { 217 ParameterName = "keyword", 218 SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 219 Value = criteria.ToUpper() 220 }); 221 222 using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) 223 { 224 if (reader != null) 225 { 226 while (reader.Read()) 227 { 228 urlToRedirect = reader["UrlPathRedirect"].ToString(); 229 break; 230 } 231 } 232 } 233 } 234 } 235 236 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(urlToRedirect)) 237 { 238 urlToRedirect = urlToRedirect.Replace("", "").Replace("PageSize=1", "PageSize=99999"); 239 urlToRedirect = LocalizeLinks(urlToRedirect); 240 var friendlyUrl = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl(urlToRedirect); 241 urlToRedirect = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(friendlyUrl) ? friendlyUrl : urlToRedirect; 242 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(urlToRedirect); 243 } 244 else 245 { 246 string kParameter = ""; 247 string tmpVal = criteria.Replace("chr(169)", "").Replace("chr(194).chr(174)", " ").Replace("chr(206).chr(177)", "") 248 .Replace("chr(206).chr(178)", "&alpha;").Replace("chr(206).chr(179)", "&beta;").Replace("chr(206).chr(180)", "&gamma;") 249 .Replace("chr(206).chr(181)", "&delta;").Replace("chr(206).chr(186)", "&epsilon;").Replace("chr(226).chr(132).chr(162)", "&kappa;") 250 .Replace("anti-biotin", "biotinAb").Replace("anti-PE", "PEab").Replace("anti-APC", "APCab").Replace("anti-streptavidin", "streptavidinab") 251 .Replace("anti-Biotin", "biotinAb").Replace("anti-pe", "PEab").Replace("anti-apc", "APCab").Replace("anti-Streptavidin", "streptavidinab") 252 .Replace("anti-FITC", "FITCab").Replace("anti-fitc", "FITCab").Replace("anti-SAV", "SAVab").Replace("anti-sav", "SAVab").Replace("anti-Sav", "SAVab") 253 .Replace("anti-", " ").Replace("antibody", "").Replace("Antibody", ""); //.Replace("anti", ""); 254 255 tmpVal = tmpVal == "anti" ? "" : tmpVal; 256 tmpVal = tmpVal.StartsWith("anti") ? tmpVal.Replace("anti", "") : tmpVal; 257 tmpVal = tmpVal.EndsWith("anti") ? tmpVal.Replace("anti", "") : tmpVal; 258 259 string[] tmpValWords = criteria.Split(' '); 260 261 if (tmpValWords.Length > 1) 262 { 263 List<string> tmpWords = new List<string>(); 264 foreach (var w in tmpValWords) 265 { 266 string word = w.ToLower(); 267 268 if (word.StartsWith("anti") || word.EndsWith("anti")) 269 { 270 word = word.Replace("anti", ""); 271 } 272 tmpWords.Add(word); 273 } 274 tmpVal = string.Join(" ", tmpWords.ToArray()); 275 } 276 277 tmpVal = tmpVal.Replace("%20", " ").Replace("+", " ").Replace(" ", ",").Replace("-", "-").Replace(" / ", ","); 278 279 // Named Item List 280 var keywords = new List<string>(); 281 char[] splitter = {','}; 282 keywords.AddRange(tmpVal.Split(splitter, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); 283 284 if (isLiveSearch) 285 { 286 var tmpKeywords = new List<string>(); 287 tmpKeywords.AddRange(tmpVal.Split(splitter, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); 288 int advIndex = 1; 289 foreach (var kewordsNumber in GetNumberOfKeywordsPerInput()) 290 { 291 var kewordsPerField = new List<string>(); 292 int tempKeywordsIndex = 1; 293 294 foreach (var keyword in tmpKeywords) 295 { 296 if( tempKeywordsIndex > kewordsNumber) 297 break; 298 299 kewordsPerField.Add(keyword); 300 tempKeywordsIndex++; 301 } 302 303 tmpKeywords.RemoveRange(0, kewordsPerField.Count); 304 305 kParameter += GetParamsFromThesaurus(true, kewordsPerField, advIndex); 306 advIndex++; 307 } 308 } 309 else 310 { 311 kParameter += GetParamsFromThesaurus(false, keywords); 312 } 313 314 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria)) 315 { 316 string applications, 317 productType, 318 reactivy, 319 format, 320 cellType, 321 regulatoryStatus, 322 companyOld, 323 sortBy, 324 pageSize, 325 paragraphID, 326 redirectToThisUrl = string.Format("{0}?Keywords={1}{2}", Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl("Default.aspx?ID=" + id), string.Join(" ", keywords.ToArray()), kParameter); 327 328 if (isLiveSearch) 329 { 330 applications = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Applications"] ?? ""; 331 productType = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ProductType"] ?? ""; 332 reactivy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Reactivity"] ?? ""; 333 format = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Format"] ?? ""; 334 cellType = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["CellType"] ?? ""; 335 regulatoryStatus = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["RegulatoryStatus"] ?? ""; 336 companyOld = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["CompanyOld"] ?? ""; 337 sortBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["SortBy"] ?? ""; 338 pageSize = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["PageSize"] ?? ""; 339 paragraphID = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["PID"] ?? ""; 340 341 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(applications) ? "&Applications=" + applications : ""; 342 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productType) ? "&ProductType=" + productType : ""; 343 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reactivy) ? "&Reactivity=" + reactivy : ""; 344 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(format) ? "&Format=" + format : ""; 345 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cellType) ? "&CellType=" + cellType : ""; 346 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(regulatoryStatus) ? "&RegulatoryStatus=" + regulatoryStatus : ""; 347 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(companyOld) ? "&CompanyOld=" + companyOld : ""; 348 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sortBy) ? "&SortBy=" + sortBy : ""; 349 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageSize) ? "&PageSize=" + (pageSize == "1" ? "99999" : pageSize) : ""; 350 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paragraphID) ? "&PID=" + paragraphID : ""; 351 } 352 353 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(redirectToThisUrl); 354 } 355 } 356 return false; 357 } 358 359 } 360 @using System 361 @functions { 362 363 public double ConvertPrice(double price, Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.International.Currency fromCurrency, Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.International.Currency toCurrency, bool roundPrice = false) 364 { 365 if (price.Equals(0.0d)) 366 { 367 return price; 368 } 369 if (fromCurrency is null || toCurrency is null || (fromCurrency.Code ?? "") == (toCurrency.Code ?? "")) 370 { 371 return price; 372 } 373 else 374 { 375 var convertedPrice =fromCurrency.Rate / toCurrency.Rate * price; 376 return roundPrice ? Math.Ceiling(convertedPrice) : convertedPrice; 377 } 378 } 379 380 string RoundPrice(double price, bool isPriceInterestPointValue = true, bool roundPrice = true, bool showDecimals = false) 381 { 382 var priceDouble = price; 383 if(isPriceInterestPointValue) { 384 priceDouble = price * 0.01; 385 } 386 var isCurrencyJp = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency.CultureInfo == "ja-JP"; 387 /*var roundPriceDouble = Math.Round(priceDouble, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);*/ 388 var roundPriceDouble = Math.Ceiling(priceDouble); 389 var roundedPrice = isCurrencyJp ? price.ToString("#,##") : (roundPrice ? roundPriceDouble.ToString() : priceDouble.ToString()); 390 if(showDecimals){ 391 roundedPrice = isCurrencyJp ? price.ToString("#,##") : (roundPrice ? roundPriceDouble.ToString("0.00") : priceDouble.ToString("0.00")); 392 } 393 394 var priceWithSymbol = string.Empty; 395 var currencySymbol = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency.Symbol; 396 var positivePattern = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency.PositivePattern; 397 var symbolPlace = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency.SymbolPlace; 398 399 if (positivePattern == 3) 400 { 401 priceWithSymbol = String.Format("{0} {1}", currencySymbol, roundedPrice); 402 } 403 else if (positivePattern == 1) 404 { 405 priceWithSymbol = String.Format("{0} {1}", roundedPrice, currencySymbol); 406 } 407 else if (symbolPlace == 0 || positivePattern == 2) { 408 priceWithSymbol = String.Format("{0}{1}", currencySymbol, roundedPrice); 409 } 410 else 411 { 412 priceWithSymbol = String.Format("{0}{1}", roundedPrice, currencySymbol); 413 } 414 415 return priceWithSymbol; 416 } 417 418 string RoundPriceToCurrentCurrency(double price, bool roundPrice = false) 419 { 420 var defaultCurrency = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Application.DefaultCurrency; 421 var currentCurrency = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency; 422 var convertedPrice = ConvertPrice(price, defaultCurrency, currentCurrency, roundPrice); 423 return FormatPrice(convertedPrice); 424 } 425 426 string FormatPrice(double price) 427 { 428 var formattedPrice = (new Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.International.CurrencyService()).FormatCurrency(Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency, price, true); 429 return formattedPrice; 430 } 431 } 432 @{ 433 // List view by cookie ot parameter 434 string listView = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["dataList"] != null ? System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["dataList"].Value : ""; 435 listView = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["view"] != null ? (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["view"].ToString() == "detail" ? "detailedView" : "") : listView; 436 var item = Pageview.Area.Item; 437 438 //-- REDIRECT 439 // If is the ExploreNewProducts page, redirect and put some parameters to filter 440 441 if( Pageview.Page.ID.ToString() != (item["LiveSearchPage"] ?? "").ToString() && Pageview.Page.ID.ToString() == (item["ExploreNewProducts"] ?? "").ToString() && (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["DateReleasedMin"] == null || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["DateReleasedMax"] == null)){ 442 string redirect = String.Format("Default.aspx?ID={0}&DateReleasedMin={1}&DateReleasedMax={2}", Pageview.Page.ID.ToString(), DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-6).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); 443 if(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["view"] == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(listView)) { 444 redirect = redirect + "&view=detail"; 445 } 446 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl(redirect)); 447 } 448 var loop_subgroups = GetLoop("Subgroups").OrderBy(o => o.GetString("Ecom:Group.Name")).ToList(); 449 // If have subgroups, redirecto to the groups list page 450 if(loop_subgroups.Any()){ 451 string redirect = "/"+item["GroupsPage"].ToString()+"&GroupID="+System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["GroupID"].ToString(); 452 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(redirect); 453 } 454 455 456 var loopProduct = GetLoop("Products"); 457 string currentPageId = Pageview.Page.ID.ToString(); 458 bool isWebserviceAvailable = TemplatesHelper.IsWebServiceConnectionAvailable(); 459 var contentSearchPage = item["ContentSearchPage"]; 460 // SORT BY 461 string sortByName = "Name_sortable,Price"; 462 string sortByClone = "CloneIndexed,Name_sortable,Price"; 463 string sortByMatch = "-_score,CloneIndexed,Name_sortable,Price"; 464 string sortByApplication = "AppAbrvString,Name_sortable,Price"; 465 string sortByRegulatoryStatus = "CustomField_RegulatoryStatus,Name_sortable,Price"; 466 string str_sortOrder = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["SortOrder"] ?? ""; 467 string str_sortBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["SortBy"] ?? ""; 468 string str_pageSize = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["PageSize"] ?? "25"; 469 string str_keywordsParam = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Keywords"] ?? ""; 470 string str_k1 = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["k1"] ?? ""; 471 string str_GeneIDParam = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["GeneID"] ?? ""; 472 string str_SpecificityParam = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Specificity"] ?? ""; 473 string str_paramGroupID = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["groupid"] ?? ""; 474 bool isASimpleSearch = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Count <=3 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_keywordsParam) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_k1)) || (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Count <=2 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_keywordsParam)); 475 476 str_sortBy = str_sortBy.Replace("%2C",","); 477 string str_FormatsParam = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Format"] ?? ""; 478 string str_CloneParam = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Clone"] ?? ""; 479 480 481 482 @functions{ 483 public static string GetImage(string str_source, int num_width, int num_height, int num_widthTablet = 0, int num_heightTablet = 0, int num_widthMobile = 0, int num_heightMobile = 0, string str_format = "jpg", int num_compression = 75, int num_crop = 5) 484 { 485 Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView obj_currentPageview = Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current(); 486 string str_currDevice = obj_currentPageview.Device.ToString(); 487 string str_alternativeImage = obj_currentPageview.Area.Item["NoImage"] != null ? obj_currentPageview.Area.Item["NoImage"].ToString() : "/Files/Templates/Designs/Lorenz/images/alternativeImage.jpg"; 488 489 string str_width = ""; 490 string str_height = ""; 491 int num_getImageWidth = num_width != 0 ? num_width : 0; 492 int num_getImageHeight = num_height != 0 ? num_height : 0; 493 string str_getImageFormat = str_format != "jpg" ? "&amp;Format=" + str_format : ""; 494 string str_getImageCompression = num_compression != 75 ? "&amp;Compression=" + num_compression : ""; 495 496 var cdnImageHandleDomain = BioLegend.Web.Helpers.CdnFunctions.GetCdnByType("Image_Handler", "Image_Handler_Domain"); //CUSTOM CODE 497 498 if (str_currDevice == Dynamicweb.Frontend.Devices.DeviceType.Tablet.ToString()) 499 { 500 num_getImageWidth = num_widthTablet != 0 ? num_widthTablet : num_getImageWidth; 501 num_getImageHeight = num_heightTablet != 0 ? num_heightTablet : num_getImageHeight; 502 } 503 else if (str_currDevice == Dynamicweb.Frontend.Devices.DeviceType.Mobile.ToString()) 504 { 505 num_getImageWidth = num_widthMobile != 0 ? num_widthMobile : num_getImageWidth; 506 num_getImageHeight = num_heightMobile != 0 ? num_heightMobile : num_getImageHeight; 507 } 508 509 if (num_getImageWidth != 0) 510 { 511 str_width = "&amp;Width=" + num_getImageWidth; 512 } 513 if (num_getImageHeight != 0) 514 { 515 str_height = "&amp;Height=" + num_getImageHeight; 516 } 517 518 string str_output = cdnImageHandleDomain + "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?Image=" + str_source + str_width + str_height + "&amp;altFmImage_path=" + str_alternativeImage + str_getImageFormat + str_getImageCompression + "&amp;Crop=" + num_crop; 519 return str_output; 520 } 521 } 522 } 523 524 @if(loopProduct.Any() && isAValidSearch) 525 { 526 string groupLink = GetString("Ecom:Group:Field.LandingPageLink.Value.Clean"); 527 string searchPageID = item["SearchResults"].ToString(); 528 string detailPageID = item["ProductDetail"].ToString(); 529 string detailPunchoutPageID = item["Punchout_ProductDetail"] != null ? item["Punchout_ProductDetail"].ToString() : ""; 530 string liveSearchPage = item["LiveSearchPage"] != null ? item["LiveSearchPage"].ToString() : ""; 531 string liveSearchPagePunchout = item["Punchout_LiveSearchPage"] != null ? item["Punchout_LiveSearchPage"].ToString() : ""; 532 string addToCart = item["AddToCart"] != null ? item["AddToCart"].ToString() : ""; 533 bool cartDisabled = Convert.ToBoolean(item["DisableAddToCart"].ToString()); 534 string orderContext = item["OrderContext"] != null ? item["OrderContext"].ToString() : ""; 535 bool isConnectionAvailable = GetBoolean("Item.Area.DisableCheckout.Value") || !TemplatesHelper.IsWebServiceConnectionAvailable() ? false : true; 536 string inactiveButtonClass = isConnectionAvailable ? "addToCart" : "addToCart inactive"; 537 string str_liveSearchFormat = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Format"] ?? ""; 538 string str_liveSearchReactivity = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Reactivity"] ?? ""; 539 string str_liveSearchCellType = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["CellType"] ?? ""; 540 string str_liveSearchRegulatoryStatus = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["RegulatoryStatus"] ?? ""; 541 string str_liveSearchProductType = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["ProductType"] ?? ""; 542 string str_liveSearchApplications = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Applications"] ?? ""; 543 string str_liveSearchCompanyOld = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["CompanyOld"] ?? ""; 544 545 string sortByNameSelected = str_sortBy == sortByName ? "sortActive" : ""; 546 string sortByCloneSelected = (str_sortBy == sortByClone || str_sortBy == "" ) ? "sortActive" : ""; 547 string sortByApplicationsSelected = str_sortBy == sortByApplication ? "sortActive" : ""; 548 string sortByRegulatoryStatusSelected = str_sortBy == sortByRegulatoryStatus ? "sortActive" : ""; 549 550 string colGroup = (!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-offset-7" : "col-xs-offset-7"); 551 552 var prodLoop = loopProduct.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.GetString("Ecom:Product.Number"))).GroupBy(x => x.GetString("Ecom:Product.ID")).ToList(); 553 var prodLoopCount = prodLoop.Count; 554 555 556 // -------------------- 557 558 string str_imagesFolder = "/Files/Files/BioLegend/Products/"; 559 string navEnvironment = item["NavEnvironment"] != null ? item["NavEnvironment"].ToString() : ""; 560 string str_pagingHref = ""; 561 bool bol_userLogged = Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User.IsExtranetUserLoggedIn(); 562 string siteCurrency = Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current().Area.EcomCurrencyId; 563 string userCurrency = bol_userLogged ? Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User.GetCurrentUser().Currency : siteCurrency; 564 565 Dictionary<string, string> productTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 566 productTypes.Add("AncillaryProducts", "Ancillary"); 567 productTypes.Add("BuffersSolutionsChemicals", "Ancillary"); 568 productTypes.Add("CellBiologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 569 productTypes.Add("CellSeparation", "MojoSort"); 570 productTypes.Add("CytokineChemokineAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 571 productTypes.Add("ELISAMAXLEGENDMAX", "ELISA"); 572 productTypes.Add("EpitopeTagProducts", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 573 productTypes.Add("HumanImmunologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 574 productTypes.Add("IsotypeControls", "IsotypeControls"); 575 productTypes.Add("LEGENDplex", "LEGENDplex"); 576 productTypes.Add("LEGENDScreen", "LEGENDScreen"); 577 productTypes.Add("MarmosetImmunologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 578 productTypes.Add("MouseImmunologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 579 productTypes.Add("NeuroscienceProducts", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 580 productTypes.Add("RatImmunologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 581 productTypes.Add("RecombinantProteins", "Recombinant"); 582 productTypes.Add("SecondaryReagents", "SecondaryReagents"); 583 productTypes.Add("VirusImmunologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 584 productTypes.Add("EnzymeAssays", "EnzymeAssays"); 585 productTypes.Add("FlexT", "FlexT"); 586 productTypes.Add("NonAntibodyChemicalProbes", "NonAntibodyChemicalProbes"); 587 int pageCal = 0; 588 string previousElement = ""; 589 string longLang = (string)GetGlobalValue("Global:Area.LongLang"); 590 var loop_productList3 = GetLoop("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3"); 591 int itemsCount = 0; 592 593 // Helpers to verify variants at the same product in a different page 594 @helper ShowTextAboutMoreOptionsInPreviousOrNextPages(List<LoopItem> loopProduct, bool isToPageBefore = false) 595 { 596 if(loopProduct.Any()) { 597 string countVariantsWithSameProdId = string.Empty; 598 string countTotalOfVariantsForProd = string.Empty; 599 string translateText = string.Empty; 600 string positionClass = "moreVariantsBefore"; 601 int totalPages = GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.TotalPages"); 602 603 if(isToPageBefore) { 604 countVariantsWithSameProdId = loopProduct.Where(p => p.GetString("Ecom:Product.ID") == loopProduct.First().GetString("Ecom:Product.ID")).Count().ToString(); 605 countTotalOfVariantsForProd = loopProduct.Select(p => p.GetString("Ecom:Product.ActiveVariantCount")).First().ToString(); 606 translateText = Translate("SeeMoreSizeOptionsForThisProductOnThePreviousPage","See more size options for this product on the previous page."); 607 608 } 609 else { 610 countVariantsWithSameProdId = loopProduct.Where(p => p.GetString("Ecom:Product.ID") == loopProduct.Last().GetString("Ecom:Product.ID")).Count().ToString(); 611 countTotalOfVariantsForProd = loopProduct.Select(p => p.GetString("Ecom:Product.ActiveVariantCount")).Last().ToString(); 612 translateText = Translate("SeeMoreSizeOptionsForThisProductOnTheNextPage","See more size options for this product on the next page."); 613 positionClass = "moreVariantsNext"; 614 } 615 616 if(countVariantsWithSameProdId != countTotalOfVariantsForProd && totalPages > 1) { 617 <div class="@positionClass col-xs-12">@translateText</div> 618 } 619 620 } 621 } 622 623 if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupLink)) 624 { 625 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(groupLink); 626 } 627 else if(prodLoopCount == 1 && GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.CurrentPage") == 1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_keywordsParam) && isASimpleSearch) 628 { 629 string frienldyHref = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl(String.Format("Default.aspx?ID={0}&ProductID={1}",detailPageID,prodLoop[0].Key.ToString())); 630 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(frienldyHref); 631 } 632 else 633 { 634 635 <div class='col-xs-12 noPadding'> 636 <div class="pull-left noPadding" id="moreInfo"> 637 <button class='btn-primary viewOption default @(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(listView) ? "active" : "")'>@Translate("listView","List View")</button> 638 <button class='btn-primary viewOption @(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(listView) ? "active" : "")'>@Translate("detailView","Detail View")</button> 639 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_keywordsParam)){ 640 <button class='btn-primary' id="searchForContent" onClick="searchForContent();" data-searchpageID="@contentSearchPage">@Translate("contentPagesBTNText","Find Content Pages")</button> 641 } 642 </div> 643 <div class="noPadding"><hr id="searchButtonDivider" /></div> 644 </div> 645 646 bool bol_noResults = false; 647 var requestParams = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params; 648 string str_groupID = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["GroupID"]) ? requestParams["GroupID"].ToString() : ""; 649 string str_price = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["Price"]) ? requestParams["Price"] : "" ; 650 string str_clone = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["Clone"]) ? requestParams["Clone"] : "" ; 651 string str_keywords = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["Keywords"]) ? requestParams["Keywords"] : "" ; 652 string DateReleasedMin = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["DateReleasedMin"]) ? requestParams["DateReleasedMin"] : "" ; 653 string DateReleasedMax = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["DateReleasedMax"]) ? requestParams["DateReleasedMax"] : "" ; 654 string view = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["view"]) ? requestParams["view"] : "" ; 655 var lst_parameters = GetLoop("Query.Parameters"); 656 var loopFacetGroups = GetLoop("FacetGroups"); 657 658 /* Workaround due a DW bug */ 659 Dictionary<string, string> applicationsData = GetFilterData("BLFD_1"); 660 Dictionary<string, string> formatsData = GetFilterData("BLFDF_1"); 661 662 /* END Workaround */ 663 664 if(loopFacetGroups.Any()) 665 { 666 <div class="col-xs-2 noPadding"> 667 668 <div class="headerBox filtersHead col-xs-12 noPadding"> 669 <span class='title'>@Translate("filterYourResults", "Filter your results")</span> 670 </div> 671 672 <form id="filtersForm" action="/Default.aspx" class="col-xs-12 noPaddingLeft productSearchFilters"> 673 <input type="hidden" name="ID" value="@Pageview.Page.ID" /> 674 <input type="hidden" name="SortBy" value="@str_sortBy" /> 675 <input type="hidden" name="PageSize" value="@str_pageSize" /> 676 677 @hiddenField("Keywords", str_keywords) 678 @hiddenField("Clone", str_clone) 679 @if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["p1"])){ 680 for(var k = 1; k < 12; k++){ 681 @hiddenField("k" + k, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["k" + k]) ? requestParams["k" + k] : "") 682 } 683 } 684 else { 685 for(var p = 1; p < 12; p++){ 686 @hiddenField("p" + p, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["p" + p]) ? requestParams["p" + p] : "") 687 } 688 } 689 @hiddenField("sortOrder", str_sortOrder) 690 @hiddenField("GroupID", str_paramGroupID) 691 @hiddenField("GeneID", str_GeneIDParam) 692 @hiddenField("Specificity", str_SpecificityParam) 693 @hiddenField("DateReleasedMin", DateReleasedMin) 694 @hiddenField("DateReleasedMax", DateReleasedMax) 695 696 <input type="hidden" name="view" value="@view" /> 697 698 @if(item["ExploreNewProducts"].ToString() == Pageview.Page.ID.ToString()){ 699 string currentMonth = DateTime.Today.ToString("MM"); 700 string monthParameter = requestParams["month"] != null ? requestParams["month"].ToString() : ""; 701 702 <fieldset> 703 <label>@Translate("Month", "Month")</label> 704 <div class="filtersContainer"> 705 <label class="radioBoxContainer" for="@currentMonth"><input class="month" data-min='@String.Format("{0}-{1}-01", DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month)' data-max='@String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month))' @( monthParameter == currentMonth ? "checked='checked'" : "") type="radio" value="@currentMonth" id="@currentMonth" name="month"> <span>@DateTime.Today.ToString("MMMM")</span></label> 706 </div> 707 @for(var i=1; i < 6; i++ ){ 708 string month = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).ToString("MMMM"); 709 string monthNumeric = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).ToString("MM"); 710 <div class="filtersContainer"> 711 <label class="radioBoxContainer" for="@month"> 712 <input class="month" data-min='@String.Format("{0}-{1}-01", DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Year, DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Month)' data-max='@String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Year, DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Year, DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Month))' @( monthParameter == monthNumeric ? "checked='checked'" : "") type="radio" value="@monthNumeric" id="@month" name="month"> 713 <span>@month</span> 714 </label> 715 </div> 716 } 717 </fieldset> 718 } 719 720 @foreach (LoopItem g in loopFacetGroups) { 721 foreach (LoopItem i in g.GetLoop("Facets")) { 722 string str_parameterType = lst_parameters.Where(x => x.GetString("Parameter.Name") == i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter")).FirstOrDefault().GetString("Parameter.Type"); 723 string str_templateOutput = "string"; 724 725 if(str_parameterType.Contains("[]")){ 726 switch (i.GetString("Facet.Name")) 727 { 728 case "fieldName": 729 str_templateOutput = "multiselect"; 730 break; 731 default: 732 str_templateOutput = "checkboxes"; 733 break; 734 } 735 } 736 else if(str_parameterType.Contains("Boolean")){ 737 switch (i.GetString("Facet.Name")) 738 { 739 case "fieldName": 740 str_templateOutput = "select"; 741 break; 742 case "fieldName2": 743 str_templateOutput = "radio"; 744 break; 745 default: 746 str_templateOutput = "checkbox"; 747 break; 748 } 749 } 750 else if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.GetString("Facet.OptionCount"))) { 751 switch (i.GetString("Facet.Name")) 752 { 753 case "fieldName": 754 str_templateOutput = "select"; 755 break; 756 case "fieldName2": 757 str_templateOutput = "radios"; 758 break; 759 case "fieldName3": 760 str_templateOutput = "multiselect"; 761 break; 762 case "fieldName4": 763 str_templateOutput = "text"; 764 break; 765 default: 766 str_templateOutput = "checkboxes"; 767 break; 768 } 769 770 } 771 else { 772 switch (i.GetString("Facet.Name")) 773 { 774 case "fieldName": 775 str_templateOutput = "autocomplete"; 776 break; 777 default: 778 str_templateOutput = "text"; 779 break; 780 } 781 } 782 @field(i, str_parameterType, str_templateOutput, bol_noResults, applicationsData, formatsData) 783 } 784 } 785 </form> 786 </div> 787 788 @helper hiddenField(string name, string value){ 789 if(value != "") { 790 <input type="hidden" name="@name" value="@value" /> 791 } 792 } 793 794 @helper field(LoopItem i , string str_parameterType, string str_templateOutput, bool bol_noResults, Dictionary<string, string> applicationsData, Dictionary<string, string> formatsData ) { 795 string str_parameter = i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter"); 796 string str_name = i.GetString("Facet.Name"); 797 var facetOptions = i.GetLoop("FacetOptions"); 798 799 if(bol_noResults){ 800 facetOptions = facetOptions.OrderByDescending(o => o.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count")).ThenBy(or => or.GetString("FacetOption.Label")).ToList(); 801 } 802 else{ 803 facetOptions = facetOptions.Where(f => f.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count") != 0).OrderBy(o => o.GetString("FacetOption.Label")).ToList(); 804 } 805 806 switch (str_templateOutput) 807 { 808 case "multiselect": 809 if(facetOptions.Any()) { 810 <fieldset> 811 <legend>@str_name</legend> 812 <select data-selected-text-format="count" data-live-search="true" data-size="8" name="@str_parameter" multiple> 813 @foreach(LoopItem option in facetOptions.OrderByDescending(o => o.GetInteger("FacetOption.Label"))) 814 { 815 bool bol_checked = option.GetBoolean("FacetOption.Selected"); 816 string str_value = option.GetString("FacetOption.Value"); 817 818 <option selected="@bol_checked" value="@str_value">@option.GetString("FacetOption.Label")</option> 819 } 820 </select> 821 </fieldset> 822 } 823 824 break; 825 case "checkboxes": 826 string extraClass = ( i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter").Equals("ExcitationLaser") || i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter").Equals("Isotype") ) ? "noCapitalize" : ""; 827 string inputID = i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter") + "Search"; 828 string inputDivID = i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter") + "Div"; 829 if(facetOptions.Any()) { 830 int count = 0; 831 <fieldset data-type="@str_parameterType"> 832 @if(facetOptions.Where(f => f.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count") != 0).Count() > 0) { 833 <legend class="filterTitle seeMoreProducts" data-parameter='@i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter")'>@str_name</legend> 834 } 835 else{ 836 <legend class="filterTitle">@str_name</legend> 837 } 838 839 <div class="filtersContainer @extraClass hide" id="@inputDivID"> 840 @if(facetOptions.Where(f => f.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count") != 0).Count() > 9) { 841 <div class="searchFilterContainer"> 842 <span class="fa fa-search"></span> 843 <input class="searchFilterSearchBar" id="@inputID" onkeyup="filterSearchFilterOptions('@inputID','@inputDivID');" > 844 </div> 845 } 846 @foreach(LoopItem option in facetOptions) 847 { 848 bool bol_checked = option.GetBoolean("FacetOption.Selected"); 849 string str_value = option.GetString("FacetOption.Value"); 850 if(bol_checked){ 851 Dictionary<string, string> breadcrumbSourceTemp = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 852 string thisFilter = @i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter") + str_value; 853 breadcrumbSourceTemp.Add("val",str_value); 854 breadcrumbSourceTemp.Add("label",@option.GetString("FacetOption.Label")); 855 breadcrumbSourceTemp.Add("filter",@i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter")); 856 breadcrumbSource.Add(thisFilter,breadcrumbSourceTemp); 857 } 858 count++; 859 //string str_class = count > 5 ? "hide" : ""; 860 861 <label class="checkBoxContainer"><input checked="@bol_checked" type="checkbox" value="@str_value" name="@str_parameter"> 862 <span> 863 @if(str_name == "Applications" && applicationsData.ContainsKey(str_value) ){ 864 @applicationsData[str_value] 865 } 866 else if (str_name == "Format" && formatsData.ContainsKey(str_value) ){ 867 @formatsData[str_value] 868 } 869 else { 870 @option.GetString("FacetOption.Label") 871 } 872 @if(option.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count") > 0) { 873 @String.Format("({0})", option.GetString("FacetOption.Count")); 874 } 875 </span> 876 </label> 877 } 878 </div> 879 </fieldset> 880 } 881 882 break; 883 case "select": 884 885 break; 886 case "checkbox": 887 888 if(facetOptions.Any()) { 889 <fieldset data-type="@str_parameterType"> 890 @foreach(LoopItem option in facetOptions.Where(f => f.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count") != 0).OrderByDescending(o => o.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count")).ThenBy(or => or.GetString("FacetOption.Label"))) 891 { 892 bool bol_checked = option.GetBoolean("FacetOption.Selected"); 893 string str_value = option.GetString("FacetOption.Value") == "True" ? "True" : ""; 894 895 if(str_value == "True") { 896 <legend class="filterTitle">@str_name</legend> 897 <div class="filtersContainer"> 898 <label class="checkBoxContainer"><input checked="@bol_checked" type="checkbox" value="@str_value" name="@str_parameter"> <span>@str_name (@option.GetString("FacetOption.Count"))</span></label> 899 </div> 900 } 901 } 902 </fieldset> 903 } 904 905 break; 906 case "radio": 907 908 break; 909 case "radios": 910 911 break; 912 case "autocomplete": 913 914 break; 915 default: 916 <fieldset data-type="@str_parameterType"> 917 <legend class="filterTitle">@str_name</legend> 918 <div class="filtersContainer"> 919 <input type="text" name="@str_parameter" value="" /> 920 </div> 921 </fieldset> 922 break; 923 } 924 } 925 926 } 927 928 @functions{ 929 public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> breadcrumbSource = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>(); 930 public string GetApplicationsLabel(string applicationValues, Dictionary<string, string> applicationsData){ 931 applicationValues = applicationValues.Replace("\"","").Replace(",",", "); 932 /* 933 string[] applicationsList = applicationValues.Split(','); 934 applicationValues = ""; 935 foreach(var app in applicationsList){ 936 if(applicationsData.ContainsKey(app)) { 937 applicationValues += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationValues) ? ", " : ""; 938 applicationValues += applicationsData[app]; 939 } 940 } 941 */ 942 return applicationValues; 943 } 944 945 public Dictionary<string, string> GetFilterData(string fieldID) 946 { 947 //HttpContext.Current.Cache.Remove("applicationsDataCache_" + fieldID); 948 var applicationCache = HttpContext.Current.Cache["applicationsDataCache_" + fieldID]; 949 Dictionary<string, string> applicationsData = applicationCache as Dictionary<string, string> ?? new Dictionary<string, string>(); 950 if(applicationCache == null) 951 { 952 using(var connection = Dynamicweb.Data.Database.CreateConnection()) 953 { 954 using(var command = connection.CreateCommand()) 955 { 956 command.CommandText = "SELECT FieldOptionValue,FieldOptionName FROM EcomFieldOption WHERE FieldOptionFieldID=''+@fieldID+'' ORDER BY FieldOptionValue"; 957 command.Parameters.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() 958 { 959 ParameterName = "fieldID", 960 SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 961 Value = fieldID 962 }); 963 using(var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) 964 { 965 if(reader != null) 966 { 967 while (reader.Read()) 968 { 969 applicationsData.Add(reader["FieldOptionValue"].ToString(), reader["FieldOptionName"].ToString()); 970 } 971 } 972 } 973 } 974 } 975 HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert("applicationsDataCache_" + fieldID, applicationsData, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); 976 } 977 return applicationsData; 978 } 979 } 980 981 <div class='col-xs-10 productArea noPaddingRight @(listView == "detailedView" ? "detailedView" : "" )'> 982 983 @{ 984 string groupDescription = GetString("Ecom:Group.Description"); 985 int loopProductCount = loopProduct.Count; 986 int totalProductCount = GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.PageProdCnt"); 987 int startLoopProductCount = (loopProductCount * (GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.CurrentPage") - 1)) + 1; 988 int endLoopProductCount = loopProductCount * GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.CurrentPage"); 989 990 if(loopProductCount < GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.PageSize")){ 991 startLoopProductCount = (GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.PageSize") * (GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.CurrentPage") - 1)) + 1; 992 endLoopProductCount = totalProductCount; 993 } 994 } 995 996 @if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupDescription)) { 997 <div id="groupDescription" class="col-xs-12 noPadding"> 998 @groupDescription 999 </div> 1000 } 1001 1002 <span class="productListResume col-xs-3 noPadding"> 1003 @Translate("productListCount","{{numberProducts}} of {{countAllProducts}} items").Replace("{{numberProducts}}", String.Format("{0}-{1}", startLoopProductCount, endLoopProductCount)).Replace("{{countAllProducts}}", totalProductCount.ToString()) 1004 </span> 1005 1006 <form id="orderProdList" class="col-xs-3 noPadding" action="/Default.aspx" name="ExtUserForm_Main" method="GET"> 1007 <input type="hidden" name="ID" value='@Pageview.Page.ID'> 1008 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_paramGroupID)) 1009 { 1010 <input type="hidden" name="GroupID" value='@str_paramGroupID'> 1011 } 1012 1013 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_keywordsParam)) 1014 { 1015 <input type="hidden" name="Keywords" value='@str_keywordsParam'> 1016 } 1017 1018 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_GeneIDParam)) 1019 { 1020 <input type="hidden" name="GeneID" value='@str_GeneIDParam'> 1021 } 1022 1023 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_SpecificityParam)) 1024 { 1025 <input type="hidden" name="Specificity" value='@str_SpecificityParam'> 1026 } 1027 1028 <fieldset class="col-xs-12 noPadding" data-groupdID="@str_paramGroupID"> 1029 <label>@Translate("Sort by"):</label> 1030 <select id="sortSelect" name="SortBy"> 1031 <option selected='@(str_sortBy == "")' value="@sortByMatch">@Translate("Match","Best Match")</option> 1032 <option selected='@(str_sortBy == sortByName)' value="@sortByName">@Translate("Name")</option> 1033 <option selected='@(str_sortBy == sortByClone)' value="@sortByClone">@Translate("Clone","Clone")</option> 1034 <option selected='@(str_sortBy == sortByApplication )' value="@sortByApplication">@Translate("Applications","Applications")</option> 1035 <option selected='@(str_sortBy == sortByRegulatoryStatus)' value="@sortByRegulatoryStatus">@Translate("RegulatoryStatus","Regulatory Status")</option> 1036 </select> 1037 </fieldset> 1038 1039 </form> 1040 1041 @{ 1042 string str_nextPage = GetString("Ecom:ProductList.NextPage"); 1043 int num_totalPages = GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.TotalPages"); 1044 int num_curPage = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["PageNum"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["PageNum"].ToString()) : 1; 1045 string prevPageClean = GetString("Ecom:ProductList.PrevPage.Clean"); 1046 string nextPageClean = GetString("Ecom:ProductList.NextPage.Clean"); 1047 } 1048 1049 @if(num_totalPages > 1) 1050 { 1051 string getGlobalRequest = GetGlobalValue("Global:Request.Url"); 1052 1053 <ul class="pagination col-xs-5 pull-right"> 1054 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prevPageClean)) 1055 { 1056 <li class="previous"><a href='@prevPageClean'><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> @Translate("Previous")</a></li> 1057 } 1058 1059 @if(num_curPage > 2 && num_totalPages > 3){ 1060 for(int i=1;i <= 1;i++){ 1061 string str_active = num_curPage == i ? "class=\"active\"" : ""; 1062 str_pagingHref = getGlobalRequest.Contains("PageNum") ? getGlobalRequest.Replace("PageNum="+num_curPage, "PageNum=" + i ) : getGlobalRequest + "&PageNum=" + i; 1063 <li @str_active><a href="@str_pagingHref">@i</a></li> 1064 } 1065 if(num_totalPages > 4 && num_curPage != 3 ) { 1066 <li class="etc"><span>...</span></li> 1067 } 1068 } 1069 @foreach (LoopItem i in loop_productList3) 1070 { 1071 if(i.GetBoolean("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.IsCurrent")) 1072 { 1073 <li class="active"><a href="@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.UrlHtmlEncoded")">@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.Number")</a></li> 1074 } 1075 else 1076 { 1077 <li><a href="@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.UrlHtmlEncoded")">@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.Number")</a></li> 1078 } 1079 } 1080 @if(num_curPage < num_totalPages-1 && num_totalPages > 3){ 1081 if(num_totalPages > 4) { 1082 <li class="etc"><span>...</span></li> 1083 } 1084 for(int i=num_totalPages;i <= num_totalPages;i++){ 1085 string str_active = num_curPage == i ? "class=\"active\"" : ""; 1086 str_pagingHref = getGlobalRequest.Contains("PageNum") ? getGlobalRequest.Replace("PageNum="+num_curPage, "PageNum="+i) : getGlobalRequest + "&PageNum=" + i; 1087 <li @str_active><a href="@str_pagingHref">@i</a></li> 1088 } 1089 } 1090 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextPageClean)) 1091 { 1092 <li class="next"><a href='@nextPageClean'>@Translate("Next") <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li> 1093 } 1094 </ul> 1095 } 1096 1097 @helper Truncate(string str_input,int num_length) 1098 { 1099 if(str_input.Length <= num_length){ 1100 @str_input 1101 }else{ 1102 @str_input.Substring(0,num_length)<text>...</text> 1103 } 1104 } 1105 1106 <div class="col-xs-12"> 1107 @{ 1108 string keywordlessURL = String.Format("/Default.aspx?ID={0}", searchPageID); 1109 string breadcrumbEntry = ""; 1110 foreach(KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, string>> entryOuter in breadcrumbSource) 1111 { 1112 Dictionary<string, string> thisItem = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 1113 foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> entryMiddle in entryOuter.Value) 1114 { 1115 thisItem.Add(entryMiddle.Key, entryMiddle.Value); 1116 } 1117 string filterURL = String.Format("/Default.aspx?ID={0}&{1}={2}", searchPageID,thisItem["filter"],thisItem["val"]); 1118 string thisBreadcrumbEntry = String.Format("<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a> <a href=\"javascript:uncheckFilter('{2}','{3}')\"><i class=\"fa fa-times-circle\"></i></a> <text>/</text>", filterURL,thisItem["label"],thisItem["val"],thisItem["filter"]); 1119 breadcrumbEntry += thisBreadcrumbEntry; 1120 keywordlessURL += String.Format("&{0}={1}", thisItem["filter"],thisItem["val"]); 1121 1122 } 1123 1124 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_keywordsParam)) 1125 { 1126 @str_keywordsParam <a href="@keywordlessURL"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a> <text>/</text> 1127 } 1128 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_CloneParam)) 1129 { 1130 @str_CloneParam <a href="@keywordlessURL"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a> <text>/</text> 1131 } 1132 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_SpecificityParam)) 1133 { 1134 @str_SpecificityParam <a href="@keywordlessURL"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a> <text>/</text> 1135 } 1136 1137 @breadcrumbEntry 1138 } 1139 1140 1141 </div> 1142 1143 <ul id="productsHolder" class="productList col-xs-12 noPadding"> 1144 1145 <li class="col-xs-12 noPadding"> 1146 <div class="col-xs-3 @sortByNameSelected"> 1147 @Translate("Product","Product") 1148 </div> 1149 1150 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-2" : "col-xs-2") noPadding @sortByCloneSelected'> 1151 @Translate("Clone","Clone") 1152 </div> 1153 1154 <div class="col-xs-1 noPadding @sortByApplicationsSelected"> 1155 @Translate("Appl","Appl.") 1156 </div> 1157 1158 <div class="col-xs-1 @sortByRegulatoryStatusSelected"> 1159 @Translate("Reg","Reg") 1160 </div> 1161 1162 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-5" : "col-xs-5") noPadding'> 1163 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-3" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1164 @Translate("categoryNumberShort","Cat#") 1165 </div> 1166 1167 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-3" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1168 @Translate("size","Size") 1169 </div> 1170 1171 @if(!cartDisabled) 1172 { 1173 <div class="col-xs-2 noPadding"> 1174 @Translate("price","Price") 1175 </div> 1176 1177 <div class="col-xs-1 noPadding"> 1178 @Translate("quantityHeader","Quantity") 1179 </div> 1180 } 1181 1182 </div> 1183 1184 </li> 1185 1186 @foreach (var group in prodLoop){ 1187 itemsCount++; 1188 1189 <li class="col-xs-12" > 1190 @if(itemsCount == 1) { 1191 @ShowTextAboutMoreOptionsInPreviousOrNextPages(loopProduct, true) 1192 } 1193 <ul> 1194 @foreach (var product in group) 1195 { 1196 1197 string str_productName = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Name"); 1198 string str_productID = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ID"); 1199 var str_link = "/Default.aspx?id=" + GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ProductDetail") + "&ProductId=" + str_productID; 1200 //string str_link = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Link.Clean"); 1201 bool excludeAB = product.GetBoolean("Ecom:Product:Field.ExcludeAB.Value"); 1202 string productType = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.CMProductType.Value"); 1203 string productCategory = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.ProductCategory.Value"); 1204 string regulatoryStatus = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.RegulatoryStatus.Value"); 1205 string productClone = Regex.Replace(product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Clone.Value"), "<!.*?>", String.Empty , RegexOptions.Singleline).Trim(); 1206 string productReactivity = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Reactivity.Value"); 1207 1208 string str_starClass = ""; 1209 string str_halfStar = ""; 1210 1211 string str_productImage = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ImageSmall.Clean"); 1212 string str_productImageMedium = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ImageMedium.Clean"); 1213 string str_productImageLarge = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ImageLarge.Clean"); 1214 string str_productImage4 = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image4Path.Value.Clean"); 1215 1216 string str_productGetImage = GetImage(str_productImage, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1217 string str_productGetImageMedium = GetImage(str_productImageMedium, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1218 string str_productGetImageLarge = GetImage(str_productImageLarge, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1219 string str_productGetImage4 = GetImage(str_productImage4, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1220 1221 string str_image1Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image1Description.Value"); 1222 string str_image2Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image2Description.Value"); 1223 string str_image3Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image3Description.Value"); 1224 string str_image4Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image4Description.Value"); 1225 1226 string str_image1Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image1Title.Value"); 1227 string str_image2Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image2Title.Value"); 1228 string str_image3Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image3Title.Value"); 1229 string str_image4Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image4Title.Value"); 1230 1231 string str_productImage5 = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image5Path.Value.Clean"); 1232 string str_productGetImage5 = GetImage(str_productImage5, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1233 string str_image5Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image5Description.Value"); 1234 string str_image5Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image5Title.Value"); 1235 1236 string str_productImage6 = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image6Path.Value.Clean"); 1237 string str_productGetImage6 = GetImage(str_productImage6, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1238 string str_image6Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image6Description.Value"); 1239 string str_image6Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image6Title.Value"); 1240 1241 string str_productFormat = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Format.Value"); 1242 1243 string stockUS = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockUS.Value.Clean")) ? product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockUS.Value.Clean") : "0"; 1244 string stockUK = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockUK.Value.Clean")) ? product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockUK.Value.Clean") : "0"; 1245 string stockEU = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockEU.Value.Clean")) ? product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockEU.Value.Clean") : "0"; 1246 string stockControl = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockControl.Value.Clean"); 1247 1248 bool isComingSoon = product.GetBoolean("Ecom:Product:Field.ComingSoon.Value"); 1249 string DCSoon = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.DCSoon.Value"); 1250 1251 bool blockAddToCart = product.GetBoolean("Ecom:Product:Field.BlockAddToCart.Value"); 1252 string blockAddToCartText = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.BlockAddToCartText.Value"); 1253 blockAddToCartText = blockAddToCartText.Replace("'", "&apos;"); 1254 blockAddToCartText = blockAddToCartText.Replace("\r\n", ""); 1255 blockAddToCartText = blockAddToCartText.Replace("\r", ""); 1256 blockAddToCartText = blockAddToCartText.Replace("\n", ""); 1257 1258 bool requestQuote = product.GetBoolean("Ecom:Product:Field.RequestQuote.Value"); 1259 1260 List<Tuple<string,string,string>> lst_images = new List<Tuple<string,string,string>>(); 1261 1262 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImage)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(str_productImage,str_image1Title,str_image1Description)); } 1263 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImageMedium)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(str_productImageMedium,str_image2Title,str_image2Description)); } 1264 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImageLarge)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(str_productImageLarge,str_image3Title,str_image3Description)); } 1265 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImage4)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string ,string>(str_productImage4,str_image4Title,str_image4Description)); } 1266 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImage5)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string ,string>(str_productImage5,str_image5Title,str_image5Description)); } 1267 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImage6)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string ,string>(str_productImage6,str_image6Title,str_image6Description)); } 1268 1269 string str_productVariantID = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.VariantID"); 1270 string urlAction = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl("Default.aspx?ID=" + addToCart); 1271 string productFieldType = ""; 1272 if (productTypes.ContainsKey(productType)) 1273 { 1274 productFieldType = productTypes[productType]; 1275 } 1276 1277 int productStatus = product.GetInteger("Ecom:Product:Field.ProductStatus.Value.Clean"); 1278 string productSource = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.ProductSource.Value.Clean"); 1279 int productVariantStatus = product.GetInteger("Ecom:Product:Field.ProductStatus.Value.Clean"); 1280 1281 @functions { 1282 public string CalculateProductName(string prodName, string prodType, string prodFormat, bool excludeAntibody) 1283 { 1284 string cleanName = prodName; 1285 if(prodType.Equals("PrimaryAntibodies") && !prodName.Contains(" Antibody") && !prodName.Contains("Buffer") && !prodName.Contains("Annexin") && !prodName.Contains("Solution") && !prodName.Contains("Diluent") && !prodName.Contains("Substrate Reagent") && !prodName.Contains("ecombinant") && !prodName.Contains("Panel") && !prodName.Contains("Elisa Max") && !prodName.Contains("Cocktail") && !prodName.Contains("Isotype Control") && !prodName.Contains("Avidin") && !prodName.Contains("Normal Serum Block") && !prodName.Contains("Detection Kit") && !prodName.Contains("Affinity") && !prodName.Contains("ELISA Kit") && !prodName.Contains("Phase-Flow") && !prodName.Contains("Treg Flow") && !prodFormat.Equals("Peptide") && (!excludeAntibody)){ 1286 cleanName += " Antibody"; 1287 } 1288 1289 if(prodType.Equals("SecondaryReagents") && !prodName.Contains(" Antibody") && !prodName.Contains("Streptavidin") && !prodName.Contains("Avidin") && (!excludeAntibody)){ 1290 cleanName += " Antibody"; 1291 } 1292 1293 if(prodType.Equals("IsotypeControls") && !prodName.Contains(" Antibody") && !prodName.Contains("Lineage Cocktail") && (!excludeAntibody)){ 1294 cleanName += " Antibody"; 1295 } 1296 1297 return cleanName; 1298 } 1299 } 1300 str_productName = CalculateProductName(str_productName,productFieldType,str_productFormat,excludeAB); 1301 1302 @helper renderCloneFieldForSearch(string clone, string spID, string pCat, string pReact, string searchType) 1303 { 1304 string cloneText = ""; 1305 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clone)){ 1306 1307 string thisClone = ""; 1308 if(clone.Contains(";")){ 1309 string[] clones = (clone).Replace(" ", "").Split(';'); 1310 foreach (var x in clones) 1311 { 1312 string cloneHTML = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(x); 1313 string cloneTag = "; "; 1314 thisClone += "<a href=\"/Default.aspx?ID=" + spID + "&amp;Clone=" + cloneHTML + "\">" + x + "</a>" + cloneTag; 1315 } 1316 } 1317 else{ 1318 string cloneHTML = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(clone); 1319 if(pCat.Equals("RECOM_PRO")){ 1320 thisClone = "<a href=\"/Default.aspx?ID=" + spID + "&amp;Clone=" + cloneHTML + "\">" + clone + "</a>"; 1321 1322 } 1323 else{ 1324 if(searchType == "Detail"){ 1325 thisClone = "<a href=\"/Default.aspx?ID=" + spID + "&amp;Clone=" + cloneHTML + "\">" + clone + "</a>"; 1326 } 1327 else{ 1328 thisClone = "<a href=\"/Default.aspx?ID=" + spID + "&amp;Clone=" + cloneHTML + "\"><i class=\"bl bl-cloneIcon\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"" + pReact + "\"></i> " + clone + "</a>"; 1329 } 1330 } 1331 1332 } 1333 1334 cloneText += thisClone; 1335 1336 1337 1338 } 1339 else if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pReact) && !pCat.Equals("RECOM_PRO") && !searchType.Equals("Detail")) 1340 { 1341 cloneText += "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\"><i class=\"bl bl-cloneIcon\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"" + pReact + "\"></i></a>"; 1342 } 1343 1344 <text>@cloneText</text> 1345 1346 } 1347 1348 @helper renderCloneFieldForSearch_v2(string clone, string spID, string pCat, string pReact, string searchType) 1349 { 1350 string cloneText = ""; 1351 if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clone)) { 1352 string thisClone = ""; 1353 if(clone.Contains(";")){ 1354 string[] clones = (clone).Replace(" ", "").Split(';'); 1355 foreach (var x in clones) 1356 { 1357 string cloneTag = "; "; 1358 thisClone += $"<a href=\"javascript:updateClone('{x}');\">{x}</a>" + cloneTag; 1359 } 1360 } 1361 else { 1362 if(pCat.Equals("RECOM_PRO") 1363 || searchType == "Detail") 1364 { 1365 thisClone = $"<a href=\"javascript:updateClone('{clone}');\">{clone}</a>"; 1366 } 1367 else { 1368 thisClone = "<a href=\"javascript:updateClone('" + clone + "');\"><i class=\"bl bl-cloneIcon\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"" + pReact + "\"></i> " + clone + "</a>"; 1369 } 1370 } 1371 1372 cloneText += thisClone; 1373 } 1374 else if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pReact) && !pCat.Equals("RECOM_PRO") && !searchType.Equals("Detail")) 1375 { 1376 cloneText += "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\"><i class=\"bl bl-cloneIcon\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"" + pReact + "\"></i></a>"; 1377 } 1378 1379 <text>@cloneText</text> 1380 } 1381 1382 <li class="row list" data-variantID="@str_productVariantID"> 1383 @if(previousElement != str_productID) 1384 { 1385 <h2 class="col-xs-3"> 1386 <a itemprop="name" href="@str_link"> 1387 @str_productName 1388 </a> 1389 </h2> 1390 1391 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-2" : "col-xs-2") noPaddingLeft'> 1392 @renderCloneFieldForSearch(productClone,searchPageID,productCategory,productReactivity,"List") 1393 </div> 1394 1395 <div class="col-xs-1 noPadding wordWrap"> 1396 <a href="@LocalizeLinksHTML("dwcountry/abbreviations")" target="_blank" title='@Translate("ViewAbbreviationDescriptions","View abbreviation descriptions")'> 1397 @GetApplicationsLabel(product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.AppAbrv.Value"), applicationsData) 1398 </a> 1399 </div> 1400 1401 <div class="col-xs-1"> 1402 @if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(regulatoryStatus)){ 1403 @regulatoryStatus 1404 }else{ 1405 <text>--</text> 1406 } 1407 </div> 1408 } 1409 1410 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-5" : "col-xs-5") noPadding @(previousElement == str_productID ? colGroup : "")'> 1411 1412 <form name="addToCart" class="add-to-cart col-xs-12 noPadding" action="@urlAction" method="POST"> 1413 @if(bol_userLogged) 1414 { 1415 <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="false"/> 1416 } 1417 <input type="hidden" name="cartcmd" value="add"/> 1418 <input type="hidden" name="productid" value="@str_productID"/> 1419 <input type="hidden" name="variantID" value="@str_productVariantID" /> 1420 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderContext)) 1421 { 1422 <input type="hidden" name="OrderContext" value="@orderContext" /> 1423 } 1424 1425 @if((longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && regulatoryStatus.Equals("IVD")) || (longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && str_productID.Equals("11573")) ){ 1426 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-2" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1427 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1428 </div> 1429 } 1430 else{ 1431 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-3" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1432 @if (!isComingSoon) 1433 { 1434 @product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Number") 1435 } 1436 else 1437 { 1438 @Translate("comingSoon", "Coming Soon") 1439 } 1440 </div> 1441 } 1442 1443 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-3" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1444 @product.GetString("Ecom:Product.VariantText") 1445 </div> 1446 1447 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-2" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1448 @if(longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && str_productFormat.Contains("GOINVIVO") && !str_productVariantID.Equals("5mg")) 1449 { 1450 @Translate("PleaseContactUs","Please Contact Us") 1451 } 1452 else if(longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && blockAddToCart){ 1453 <div><p class="coming-soon">@blockAddToCartText</p></div> 1454 } 1455 else if(longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && @product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Number").Equals("423555")){ 1456 <span class="withBreak" itemprop="price">@RoundPrice(product.GetDouble("Ecom:Product.Price.PricePIP"))</span> 1457 } 1458 else if(requestQuote){ 1459 <div><a href="@LocalizeLinksHTML("dwcountry/contact-local-rep")" target="_blank">Get a Quote</a></div> 1460 } 1461 else if(str_productID.Equals("10801") && !longLang.Equals("en-US")) 1462 { 1463 @Translate("addToCartForPrice","Add to cart for price.") 1464 } 1465 else if(str_productName.Contains("Flex-T") && str_productName.Contains("Custom")){ 1466 1467 } 1468 else if((longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && regulatoryStatus.Equals("IVD")) || (longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && str_productID.Equals("11573")) ){ 1469 1470 } 1471 else{ 1472 <span class="withBreak" itemprop="price">@RoundPrice(product.GetDouble("Ecom:Product.Price.PricePIP"))</span> 1473 } 1474 </div> 1475 1476 @if(!cartDisabled && !(str_productName.Contains("Flex-T") && str_productName.Contains("Custom"))) 1477 { 1478 <div class="col-xs-1 noPadding"> 1479 @if (!productVariantStatus.Equals(3) && !isComingSoon && !blockAddToCart) 1480 { 1481 <input data-reservedStock='@product.GetString("Ecom:Product.AvailableAmount")' data-productStatus="@productStatus" data-stockControl='@stockControl.ToLower()' data-stocktranslate='@Translate("currentStock","The current stock is")' data-stock='@( navEnvironment.Equals("US") ? stockUS : stockUK)' type="text" name="quantity" value="1" size="3" class="productQTYRequestBox" /> 1482 } 1483 </div> 1484 1485 <div class="col-xs-1"> 1486 @if(blockAddToCart) { 1487 <button onClick="alert('@blockAddToCartText'); return false;" title="@blockAddToCartText"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></button> 1488 } else { 1489 if(str_productName.Contains("Capture Bead") || (str_productName.Contains("LEGENDplex") && (str_productName.Contains("Standard") || str_productName.Contains("Detection Antibodies") || str_productName.Contains("Detection Abs") || str_productName.Contains("Buffer Set")))) 1490 { 1491 <button onClick="mixMatchProductRedirect('@longLang'); return false;" title="@Translate("mixAndMatch","Mix & Match")"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></button> 1492 } 1493 else if(str_productName.Contains("Flex-T") && str_productName.Contains("Custom")){ 1494 } 1495 else if((longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && regulatoryStatus.Equals("IVD")) || (longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && str_productID.Equals("11573"))){ 1496 } 1497 else{ 1498 if (isComingSoon) 1499 { 1500 @:&nbsp; 1501 } 1502 else if(userCurrency != siteCurrency){ 1503 <span class="inputSubmit" data-toggle="tooltip" title="@(Translate("CurrencyMissmatch","Your currency does not match the websites currency. Please navigate to the proper page."))"> 1504 <button type="submit" disabled><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></button> 1505 </span> 1506 } 1507 else if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productSource)){ 1508 <span class="inputSubmit" data-toggle="tooltip" title="@(Translate("ProductNotAvailable","This product is not currently available."))"> 1509 <button type="submit" disabled><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></button> 1510 </span> 1511 } 1512 else{ 1513 <button type="submit"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></button> 1514 } 1515 } 1516 } 1517 </div> 1518 } 1519 </form> 1520 </div> 1521 </li> 1522 1523 previousElement = group.Key; 1524 } 1525 </ul> 1526 @if(itemsCount == prodLoop.Count()) { 1527 @ShowTextAboutMoreOptionsInPreviousOrNextPages(loopProduct) 1528 } 1529 </li> 1530 } 1531 </ul> 1532 1533 1534 1535 @{ 1536 int totalproductCount = GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.PageProdCnt"); 1537 string tooManyResults = Translate("tooManyResults","Your search returned too many results. Please refine your search"); 1538 } 1539 <div class="pageBottom col-xs-3 noPadding"> 1540 <form id="bottom_pageSizeProdList" class="" action="/Default.aspx" name="ExtUserForm_Main" method="GET"> 1541 @if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["adv1"])){ 1542 <div class="advFields"> 1543 @for(var adv = 1; adv < 12; adv++){ 1544 @hiddenField("adv" + adv, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["adv" + adv]) ? requestParams["adv" + adv] : "") 1545 } 1546 </div> 1547 } 1548 <fieldset> 1549 <label>@Translate("Results Per Page"):</label> 1550 <select name="PageSize"> 1551 <option selected="@(str_pageSize == "25" || str_pageSize == "")" value="25">25</option> 1552 <option selected="@(str_pageSize == "50")" value="50">50</option> 1553 <option selected="@(str_pageSize == "100")" value="100">100</option> 1554 <option selected="@(str_pageSize == "200" || str_pageSize == "1")" value="200">200</option> 1555 </select> 1556 </fieldset> 1557 </form> 1558 </div> 1559 1560 @if(num_totalPages > 1) 1561 { 1562 string getGlobalRequest = GetGlobalValue("Global:Request.Url"); 1563 1564 <ul class="pagination pageBottom pull-right col-xs-5"> 1565 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prevPageClean)) 1566 { 1567 <li class="previous"><a href='@prevPageClean'><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> @Translate("Previous")</a></li> 1568 } 1569 1570 @if(num_curPage > 2 && num_totalPages > 3){ 1571 for(int i=1;i <= 1;i++){ 1572 string str_active = num_curPage == i ? "class=\"active\"" : ""; 1573 str_pagingHref = getGlobalRequest.Contains("PageNum") ? getGlobalRequest.Replace("PageNum="+num_curPage, "PageNum=" + i ) : getGlobalRequest + "&PageNum=" + i; 1574 <li @str_active><a href="@str_pagingHref">@i</a></li> 1575 } 1576 if(num_totalPages > 4 && num_curPage != 3 ) { 1577 <li class="etc"><span>...</span></li> 1578 } 1579 } 1580 1581 @foreach (LoopItem i in loop_productList3) 1582 { 1583 if(i.GetBoolean("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.IsCurrent")) 1584 { 1585 <li class="active"><a href="@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.UrlHtmlEncoded")">@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.Number")</a></li> 1586 } 1587 else 1588 { 1589 <li><a href="@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.UrlHtmlEncoded")">@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.Number")</a></li> 1590 } 1591 } 1592 @if(num_curPage < num_totalPages-1 && num_totalPages > 3){ 1593 if(num_totalPages > 4) { 1594 <li class="etc"><span>...</span></li> 1595 } 1596 for(int i=num_totalPages;i <= num_totalPages;i++){ 1597 string str_active = num_curPage == i ? "class=\"active\"" : ""; 1598 str_pagingHref = getGlobalRequest.Contains("PageNum") ? getGlobalRequest.Replace("PageNum="+num_curPage, "PageNum="+i) : getGlobalRequest + "&PageNum=" + i; 1599 <li @str_active><a href="@str_pagingHref">@i</a></li> 1600 } 1601 } 1602 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextPageClean)) 1603 { 1604 <li class="next"><a href='@nextPageClean'>@Translate("Next") <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li> 1605 } 1606 </ul> 1607 } 1608 1609 </div> 1610 1611 @functions { 1612 public static string StripHtml(string source) 1613 { 1614 return Regex.Replace(source, "<.*?>", string.Empty); 1615 } 1616 } 1617 1618 @SnippetStart("jsOnLoad") 1619 @: onLoadProductList(); 1620 @SnippetEnd("jsOnLoad") 1621 1622 } 1623 } 1624 else{ 1625 var countProductDiscountinued = 0; 1626 var productDetailPage = item["ProductDetail"].ToString(); 1627 string liveSearchPage = item["LiveSearchPage"].ToString(); 1628 string advancedSearchLink = LocalizeLinks("/dwcountry/advanced-search"); 1629 1630 // If product is discountinued send to PDP 1631 if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_keywordsParam)) 1632 { 1633 string productDiscountinued = GetDiscountinuedProductId(str_keywordsParam); 1634 if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(productDiscountinued)) 1635 { 1636 string urlRedirect = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl("Default.aspx?ID="+@productDetailPage+"&ProductID="+productDiscountinued); 1637 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(urlRedirect); 1638 } 1639 1640 } 1641 1642 <div id="listContainer"> 1643 @if(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["p1"] != null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Keywords"])){ 1644 <h2>@Translate("noProductsFoundProductSearch","There are no products that match your term.")</h2> 1645 <div>@Translate("modifyYourSearch") <a href="@advancedSearchLink">@Translate("Advanced Search")</a> @Translate("modifyYourSearchB")</div> 1646 <div>@LocalizeLinks(Translate("contactCustomSolutionsTeamSearch"))<br /><hr /></div> 1647 1648 <div id="contentResults"></div> 1649 @SnippetStart("jsOnLoad") 1650 @: onLoadContentSearchItems('@System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Keywords"]'); 1651 @SnippetEnd("jsOnLoad") 1652 1653 } 1654 else { 1655 @SnippetStart("jsOnLoad") 1656 @: onLoadPartialSearch("@SearchForPartialTerms(Pageview.Page.ID)", '@Translate("performePartialSearch","Performing partial match search..")'); 1657 @SnippetEnd("jsOnLoad") 1658 1659 } 1660 </div> 1661 1662 @functions { 1663 public static string SearchForPartialTerms(int pageID) { 1664 string allQuery = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.ToString(); 1665 1666 for(var i = 1; i <= 12; i++){ 1667 if(!allQuery.Contains("k"+i+"=")){ 1668 break; 1669 } 1670 allQuery = allQuery.Replace(("k"+i+"="), ("p"+i+"=")); 1671 } 1672 1673 allQuery = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl("Default.aspx?" + allQuery); 1674 1675 return allQuery; 1676 } 1677 1678 public static string GetDiscountinuedProductId(string str_keywordsParam) 1679 { 1680 string productId = string.Empty; 1681 1682 using (var connection = Dynamicweb.Data.Database.CreateConnection()) 1683 { 1684 using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) 1685 { 1686 command.CommandText = "SELECT ProductID FROM EcomProducts WHERE ProductNumber = ''+@str_keywordsParam+'' and ProductStatus = '1'"; 1687 command.Parameters.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() 1688 { 1689 ParameterName = "str_keywordsParam", 1690 SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1691 Value = str_keywordsParam 1692 }); 1693 1694 using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) 1695 { 1696 if (reader != null) 1697 { 1698 while (reader.Read()) 1699 { 1700 productId = reader["ProductID"].ToString(); 1701 } 1702 } 1703 } 1704 } 1705 } 1706 1707 return productId; 1708 } 1709 } 1710 }

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