Products under CHF50

Did you know that BioLegend has a plethora of products priced at or below CHF50? Check out our every day value we can provide to support your research! Be sure to also check our Promotions page to find even more savings.


Error executing template "Designs/BioLegend/eCom/Productlist/productList.cshtml"
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_ba319c5cdc0e4f418601fe15af5411da.GetFilterData(String fieldID) in f:\Domains\Sites\\Files\Templates\Designs\BioLegend\eCom\Productlist\productList.cshtml:line 969
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_ba319c5cdc0e4f418601fe15af5411da.Execute() in f:\Domains\Sites\\Files\Templates\Designs\BioLegend\eCom\Productlist\productList.cshtml:line 660
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()

1 @inherits RazorTemplateBase<RazorTemplateModel<Template>> 2 @using Dynamicweb; 3 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend; 4 @using Dynamicweb.Rendering; 5 @using System; 6 @using System.IO; 7 @using System.Web; 8 @using System.Data; 9 @using System.Text; 10 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 11 @using BioLegend.Ecommerce.LiveIntegration; 12 @using System.Collections.Generic; 13 @using System.Linq; 14 @using System.Collections; 15 @using System.Runtime.Caching; 16 17 @using System.Collections.Specialized; 18 @using System.Linq 19 @functions { 20 21 public string LocalizeLinksHTML (string HtmlContent){ 22 int areaID = Pageview.Area.ID; 23 var area = Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(areaID); 24 string areaCulture = area.Culture.ToLower(); 25 if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HtmlContent)){ 26 if(HtmlContent.IndexOf("dwcountry") > -1){ 27 return HtmlContent.Replace("dwcountry",areaCulture); 28 } else{ 29 return HtmlContent; 30 } 31 32 } else { 33 return HtmlContent; 34 } 35 36 } 37 38 public string LocalizeLinks (string HtmlContent){ 39 int areaID = Pageview.Area.ID; 40 var area = Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(areaID); 41 string areaCulture = area.Culture.ToLower(); 42 if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HtmlContent)){ 43 if(HtmlContent.IndexOf("dwcountry") > -1){ 44 return HtmlContent.Replace("dwcountry",areaCulture); 45 } else if (HtmlContent.IndexOf("?ID=") > -1) { 46 //do something 47 string baseHref = String.Format("https://{0}",GetGlobalValue("Global:Request.Host")); 48 HtmlContent = HtmlContent.Contains("http") ? HtmlContent : baseHref + "/" + HtmlContent; 49 var uri = new Uri(HtmlContent,UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); 50 var parsedQuery = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query); 51 var pageID = parsedQuery.Get("ID"); 52 53 string pageVersionID = pageID; 54 string localizedLink = HtmlContent; 55 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageID)){ 56 var pageService = new Dynamicweb.Content.PageService(); 57 var linkPage = pageService.GetPagesByAreaID(areaID).FirstOrDefault(x => x.MasterPageId == int.Parse(pageID)); 58 pageVersionID = linkPage != null ? linkPage.ID.ToString() : pageID ; 59 60 localizedLink = ModifyQueryStringValue(HtmlContent,"ID",pageVersionID); 61 } 62 //return string.Join(",", parsedQuery.AllKeys); 63 //return string.Join(HtmlContent,"-",pageVersionID); 64 return localizedLink; 65 } else { 66 return HtmlContent; 67 } 68 }else { 69 return HtmlContent; 70 } 71 72 } 73 74 private string ModifyQueryStringValue(string p_query, string p_Name, string p_NewValue) 75 { 76 Uri uri = new Uri(p_query,UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); 77 //if(p_query.Contains("http")) 78 //{ 79 //uri = new Uri(p_query); 80 //} else { 81 //uri = new Uri(p_query, UriKind.Relative); 82 //} 83 //uri = new Uri(p_query); 84 85 86 87 var nameValues = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query); 88 nameValues.Set(p_Name, p_NewValue); 89 string url = uri.AbsolutePath + "?" + nameValues.ToString(); 90 return url; 91 } 92 } 93 @{ 94 bool isAValidSearch = true; 95 if ((System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Keywords"] != null || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["adv1"] != null ) && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["k1"] == null && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["p1"] == null && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["adv1-k1"] == null) 96 { 97 isAValidSearch = ProcessRequest(); 98 } 99 } 100 @functions { 101 public const int numberOfAdvFields = 7; // Number of free text fields (adv) in the advanced search 102 103 /* This method get all the ADV parameters values and concatenate that values into a string */ 104 public static string GetAllTheAdvValuesFromQuery() 105 { 106 var allAdvValues = string.Empty; 107 108 for (int adv = 1; adv <= numberOfAdvFields; adv++) 109 { 110 var currentAdv = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["adv" + adv]; 111 112 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAdv)) 113 { 114 allAdvValues += " " + currentAdv; 115 } 116 } 117 118 return allAdvValues; 119 } 120 121 /* This method gets the number of kewords per input */ 122 public static List<int> GetNumberOfKeywordsPerInput() 123 { 124 var kewordsCount = new List<int>(); 125 126 for (int adv = 1; adv <= numberOfAdvFields; adv++) 127 { 128 var currentAdv = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["adv" + adv]; 129 130 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAdv)) continue; 131 string[] splitParams = currentAdv.Split(' '); 132 kewordsCount.Add(splitParams.Length); 133 } 134 135 return kewordsCount; 136 } 137 138 /* This method returns the parameters from the "thesaurus" named item list */ 139 public static string GetParamsFromThesaurus( bool isLiveSearch, List<string> keywords, int advNumber = 1) 140 { 141 var prefixParameter = isLiveSearch ? string.Format("adv{0}-k", advNumber) : "k"; 142 var parameter = string.Empty; 143 144 for (var i = 0; i < keywords.Count; i++) 145 { 146 parameter += "&" + prefixParameter + (i + 1) + "=" + keywords[i]; 147 148 using (var connection = Dynamicweb.Data.Database.CreateConnection()) 149 { 150 using (var commandSearchTerms = connection.CreateCommand()) 151 { 152 commandSearchTerms.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT RelatedTerm FROM {0} WHERE SearchTerm = ''+@keywordSearch+''", "itemtype_thesaurus"); 153 154 commandSearchTerms.Parameters.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() 155 { 156 ParameterName = "keywordSearch", 157 SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 158 Value = keywords[i] 159 }); 160 161 var readerSearch = commandSearchTerms.ExecuteScalar(); 162 163 if(readerSearch != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(readerSearch.ToString())) 164 { 165 parameter += ","+readerSearch; 166 } 167 } 168 } 169 } 170 return parameter; 171 } 172 173 public bool ProcessRequest() 174 { 175 string id = Pageview.Page.ID.ToString(); 176 string postKeywords = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Keywords"] ?? ""; 177 postKeywords = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(postKeywords) ? postKeywords : GetAllTheAdvValuesFromQuery(); 178 string criteria = ""; 179 bool isLiveSearch = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["isLiveSearch"]) ? Convert.ToBoolean(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["isLiveSearch"]) : false; 180 181 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postKeywords)) 182 { 183 criteria = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(postKeywords.Trim()); 184 criteria = criteria.Replace("\"", ""); 185 criteria = criteria.Replace("&ldquo;", ""); 186 criteria = criteria.Replace("&rdquo;", ""); 187 criteria = criteria.Replace("“", ""); 188 criteria = criteria.Replace("”;", ""); 189 criteria = criteria.Replace("&#8220;", ""); 190 criteria = criteria.Replace("&#8221;", ""); 191 criteria = criteria.Replace("&#34;", ""); 192 } 193 194 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "cyclin a", "cyclin.a", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 195 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "protein a", "protein.a", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 196 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "granzyme a", "granzyme.a", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 197 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "buffer set a", "buffer set.a", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 198 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "glycophorin a", "glycophorin.a", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 199 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "do-7", "DO7", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 200 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "and-1", "AND1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 201 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "total%20seq", "totalseq", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 202 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "totalseq-a", "totalseqa", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 203 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "totalseq-b", "totalseqb", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 204 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "totalseq-c", "totalseqc", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 205 criteria = Regex.Replace(criteria, "totalseq-d", "totalseqd", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 206 207 208 string tableName = "UrlPath"; 209 string urlToRedirect = ""; 210 using (var connection = Dynamicweb.Data.Database.CreateConnection()) 211 { 212 using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) 213 { 214 command.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE UrlPathPath = ''+@keyword+''", tableName); 215 command.Parameters.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() 216 { 217 ParameterName = "keyword", 218 SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 219 Value = criteria.ToUpper() 220 }); 221 222 using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) 223 { 224 if (reader != null) 225 { 226 while (reader.Read()) 227 { 228 urlToRedirect = reader["UrlPathRedirect"].ToString(); 229 break; 230 } 231 } 232 } 233 } 234 } 235 236 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(urlToRedirect)) 237 { 238 urlToRedirect = urlToRedirect.Replace("", "").Replace("PageSize=1", "PageSize=99999"); 239 urlToRedirect = LocalizeLinks(urlToRedirect); 240 var friendlyUrl = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl(urlToRedirect); 241 urlToRedirect = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(friendlyUrl) ? friendlyUrl : urlToRedirect; 242 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(urlToRedirect); 243 } 244 else 245 { 246 string kParameter = ""; 247 string tmpVal = criteria.Replace("chr(169)", "").Replace("chr(194).chr(174)", " ").Replace("chr(206).chr(177)", "") 248 .Replace("chr(206).chr(178)", "&alpha;").Replace("chr(206).chr(179)", "&beta;").Replace("chr(206).chr(180)", "&gamma;") 249 .Replace("chr(206).chr(181)", "&delta;").Replace("chr(206).chr(186)", "&epsilon;").Replace("chr(226).chr(132).chr(162)", "&kappa;") 250 .Replace("anti-biotin", "biotinAb").Replace("anti-PE", "PEab").Replace("anti-APC", "APCab").Replace("anti-streptavidin", "streptavidinab") 251 .Replace("anti-Biotin", "biotinAb").Replace("anti-pe", "PEab").Replace("anti-apc", "APCab").Replace("anti-Streptavidin", "streptavidinab") 252 .Replace("anti-FITC", "FITCab").Replace("anti-fitc", "FITCab").Replace("anti-SAV", "SAVab").Replace("anti-sav", "SAVab").Replace("anti-Sav", "SAVab") 253 .Replace("anti-", " ").Replace("antibody", "").Replace("Antibody", ""); //.Replace("anti", ""); 254 255 tmpVal = tmpVal == "anti" ? "" : tmpVal; 256 tmpVal = tmpVal.StartsWith("anti") ? tmpVal.Replace("anti", "") : tmpVal; 257 tmpVal = tmpVal.EndsWith("anti") ? tmpVal.Replace("anti", "") : tmpVal; 258 259 string[] tmpValWords = criteria.Split(' '); 260 261 if (tmpValWords.Length > 1) 262 { 263 List<string> tmpWords = new List<string>(); 264 foreach (var w in tmpValWords) 265 { 266 string word = w.ToLower(); 267 268 if (word.StartsWith("anti") || word.EndsWith("anti")) 269 { 270 word = word.Replace("anti", ""); 271 } 272 tmpWords.Add(word); 273 } 274 tmpVal = string.Join(" ", tmpWords.ToArray()); 275 } 276 277 tmpVal = tmpVal.Replace("%20", " ").Replace("+", " ").Replace(" ", ",").Replace("-", "-").Replace(" / ", ","); 278 279 // Named Item List 280 var keywords = new List<string>(); 281 char[] splitter = {','}; 282 keywords.AddRange(tmpVal.Split(splitter, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); 283 284 if (isLiveSearch) 285 { 286 var tmpKeywords = new List<string>(); 287 tmpKeywords.AddRange(tmpVal.Split(splitter, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); 288 int advIndex = 1; 289 foreach (var kewordsNumber in GetNumberOfKeywordsPerInput()) 290 { 291 var kewordsPerField = new List<string>(); 292 int tempKeywordsIndex = 1; 293 294 foreach (var keyword in tmpKeywords) 295 { 296 if( tempKeywordsIndex > kewordsNumber) 297 break; 298 299 kewordsPerField.Add(keyword); 300 tempKeywordsIndex++; 301 } 302 303 tmpKeywords.RemoveRange(0, kewordsPerField.Count); 304 305 kParameter += GetParamsFromThesaurus(true, kewordsPerField, advIndex); 306 advIndex++; 307 } 308 } 309 else 310 { 311 kParameter += GetParamsFromThesaurus(false, keywords); 312 } 313 314 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria)) 315 { 316 string applications, 317 productType, 318 reactivy, 319 format, 320 cellType, 321 regulatoryStatus, 322 companyOld, 323 sortBy, 324 pageSize, 325 paragraphID, 326 redirectToThisUrl = string.Format("{0}?Keywords={1}{2}", Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl("Default.aspx?ID=" + id), string.Join(" ", keywords.ToArray()), kParameter); 327 328 if (isLiveSearch) 329 { 330 applications = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Applications"] ?? ""; 331 productType = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ProductType"] ?? ""; 332 reactivy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Reactivity"] ?? ""; 333 format = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["Format"] ?? ""; 334 cellType = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["CellType"] ?? ""; 335 regulatoryStatus = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["RegulatoryStatus"] ?? ""; 336 companyOld = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["CompanyOld"] ?? ""; 337 sortBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["SortBy"] ?? ""; 338 pageSize = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["PageSize"] ?? ""; 339 paragraphID = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["PID"] ?? ""; 340 341 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(applications) ? "&Applications=" + applications : ""; 342 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productType) ? "&ProductType=" + productType : ""; 343 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reactivy) ? "&Reactivity=" + reactivy : ""; 344 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(format) ? "&Format=" + format : ""; 345 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cellType) ? "&CellType=" + cellType : ""; 346 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(regulatoryStatus) ? "&RegulatoryStatus=" + regulatoryStatus : ""; 347 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(companyOld) ? "&CompanyOld=" + companyOld : ""; 348 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sortBy) ? "&SortBy=" + sortBy : ""; 349 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageSize) ? "&PageSize=" + (pageSize == "1" ? "99999" : pageSize) : ""; 350 redirectToThisUrl += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paragraphID) ? "&PID=" + paragraphID : ""; 351 } 352 353 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(redirectToThisUrl); 354 } 355 } 356 return false; 357 } 358 359 } 360 @using System 361 @functions { 362 363 public double ConvertPrice(double price, Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.International.Currency fromCurrency, Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.International.Currency toCurrency, bool roundPrice = false) 364 { 365 if (price.Equals(0.0d)) 366 { 367 return price; 368 } 369 if (fromCurrency is null || toCurrency is null || (fromCurrency.Code ?? "") == (toCurrency.Code ?? "")) 370 { 371 return price; 372 } 373 else 374 { 375 var convertedPrice =fromCurrency.Rate / toCurrency.Rate * price; 376 return roundPrice ? Math.Ceiling(convertedPrice) : convertedPrice; 377 } 378 } 379 380 string RoundPrice(double price, bool isPriceInterestPointValue = true, bool roundPrice = true, bool showDecimals = false) 381 { 382 var priceDouble = price; 383 if(isPriceInterestPointValue) { 384 priceDouble = price * 0.01; 385 } 386 var isCurrencyJp = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency.CultureInfo == "ja-JP"; 387 /*var roundPriceDouble = Math.Round(priceDouble, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);*/ 388 var roundPriceDouble = Math.Ceiling(priceDouble); 389 var roundedPrice = isCurrencyJp ? price.ToString("#,##") : (roundPrice ? roundPriceDouble.ToString() : priceDouble.ToString()); 390 if(showDecimals){ 391 roundedPrice = isCurrencyJp ? price.ToString("#,##") : (roundPrice ? roundPriceDouble.ToString("0.00") : priceDouble.ToString("0.00")); 392 } 393 394 var priceWithSymbol = string.Empty; 395 var currencySymbol = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency.Symbol; 396 var positivePattern = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency.PositivePattern; 397 var symbolPlace = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency.SymbolPlace; 398 399 if (positivePattern == 3) 400 { 401 priceWithSymbol = String.Format("{0} {1}", currencySymbol, roundedPrice); 402 } 403 else if (positivePattern == 1) 404 { 405 priceWithSymbol = String.Format("{0} {1}", roundedPrice, currencySymbol); 406 } 407 else if (symbolPlace == 0 || positivePattern == 2) { 408 priceWithSymbol = String.Format("{0}{1}", currencySymbol, roundedPrice); 409 } 410 else 411 { 412 priceWithSymbol = String.Format("{0}{1}", roundedPrice, currencySymbol); 413 } 414 415 return priceWithSymbol; 416 } 417 418 string RoundPriceToCurrentCurrency(double price, bool roundPrice = false) 419 { 420 var defaultCurrency = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Application.DefaultCurrency; 421 var currentCurrency = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency; 422 var convertedPrice = ConvertPrice(price, defaultCurrency, currentCurrency, roundPrice); 423 return FormatPrice(convertedPrice); 424 } 425 426 string FormatPrice(double price) 427 { 428 var formattedPrice = (new Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.International.CurrencyService()).FormatCurrency(Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context.Currency, price, true); 429 return formattedPrice; 430 } 431 } 432 @{ 433 // List view by cookie ot parameter 434 string listView = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["dataList"] != null ? System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["dataList"].Value : ""; 435 listView = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["view"] != null ? (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["view"].ToString() == "detail" ? "detailedView" : "") : listView; 436 var item = Pageview.Area.Item; 437 438 //-- REDIRECT 439 // If is the ExploreNewProducts page, redirect and put some parameters to filter 440 441 if( Pageview.Page.ID.ToString() != (item["LiveSearchPage"] ?? "").ToString() && Pageview.Page.ID.ToString() == (item["ExploreNewProducts"] ?? "").ToString() && (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["DateReleasedMin"] == null || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["DateReleasedMax"] == null)){ 442 string redirect = String.Format("Default.aspx?ID={0}&DateReleasedMin={1}&DateReleasedMax={2}", Pageview.Page.ID.ToString(), DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-6).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); 443 if(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["view"] == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(listView)) { 444 redirect = redirect + "&view=detail"; 445 } 446 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl(redirect)); 447 } 448 var loop_subgroups = GetLoop("Subgroups").OrderBy(o => o.GetString("Ecom:Group.Name")).ToList(); 449 // If have subgroups, redirecto to the groups list page 450 if(loop_subgroups.Any()){ 451 string redirect = "/"+item["GroupsPage"].ToString()+"&GroupID="+System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["GroupID"].ToString(); 452 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(redirect); 453 } 454 455 456 var loopProduct = GetLoop("Products"); 457 string currentPageId = Pageview.Page.ID.ToString(); 458 bool isWebserviceAvailable = TemplatesHelper.IsWebServiceConnectionAvailable(); 459 var contentSearchPage = item["ContentSearchPage"]; 460 // SORT BY 461 string sortByName = "Name_sortable,Price"; 462 string sortByClone = "CloneIndexed,Name_sortable,Price"; 463 string sortByMatch = "-_score,CloneIndexed,Name_sortable,Price"; 464 string sortByApplication = "AppAbrvString,Name_sortable,Price"; 465 string sortByRegulatoryStatus = "CustomField_RegulatoryStatus,Name_sortable,Price"; 466 string str_sortOrder = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["SortOrder"] ?? ""; 467 string str_sortBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["SortBy"] ?? ""; 468 string str_pageSize = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["PageSize"] ?? "25"; 469 string str_keywordsParam = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Keywords"] ?? ""; 470 string str_k1 = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["k1"] ?? ""; 471 string str_GeneIDParam = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["GeneID"] ?? ""; 472 string str_SpecificityParam = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Specificity"] ?? ""; 473 string str_paramGroupID = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["groupid"] ?? ""; 474 bool isASimpleSearch = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Count <=3 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_keywordsParam) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_k1)) || (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Count <=2 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_keywordsParam)); 475 476 str_sortBy = str_sortBy.Replace("%2C",","); 477 string str_FormatsParam = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Format"] ?? ""; 478 string str_CloneParam = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Clone"] ?? ""; 479 480 481 482 @functions{ 483 public static string GetImage(string str_source, int num_width, int num_height, int num_widthTablet = 0, int num_heightTablet = 0, int num_widthMobile = 0, int num_heightMobile = 0, string str_format = "jpg", int num_compression = 75, int num_crop = 5) 484 { 485 Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView obj_currentPageview = Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current(); 486 string str_currDevice = obj_currentPageview.Device.ToString(); 487 string str_alternativeImage = obj_currentPageview.Area.Item["NoImage"] != null ? obj_currentPageview.Area.Item["NoImage"].ToString() : "/Files/Templates/Designs/Lorenz/images/alternativeImage.jpg"; 488 489 string str_width = ""; 490 string str_height = ""; 491 int num_getImageWidth = num_width != 0 ? num_width : 0; 492 int num_getImageHeight = num_height != 0 ? num_height : 0; 493 string str_getImageFormat = str_format != "jpg" ? "&amp;Format=" + str_format : ""; 494 string str_getImageCompression = num_compression != 75 ? "&amp;Compression=" + num_compression : ""; 495 496 var cdnImageHandleDomain = BioLegend.Web.Helpers.CdnFunctions.GetCdnByType("Image_Handler", "Image_Handler_Domain"); //CUSTOM CODE 497 498 if (str_currDevice == Dynamicweb.Frontend.Devices.DeviceType.Tablet.ToString()) 499 { 500 num_getImageWidth = num_widthTablet != 0 ? num_widthTablet : num_getImageWidth; 501 num_getImageHeight = num_heightTablet != 0 ? num_heightTablet : num_getImageHeight; 502 } 503 else if (str_currDevice == Dynamicweb.Frontend.Devices.DeviceType.Mobile.ToString()) 504 { 505 num_getImageWidth = num_widthMobile != 0 ? num_widthMobile : num_getImageWidth; 506 num_getImageHeight = num_heightMobile != 0 ? num_heightMobile : num_getImageHeight; 507 } 508 509 if (num_getImageWidth != 0) 510 { 511 str_width = "&amp;Width=" + num_getImageWidth; 512 } 513 if (num_getImageHeight != 0) 514 { 515 str_height = "&amp;Height=" + num_getImageHeight; 516 } 517 518 string str_output = cdnImageHandleDomain + "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?Image=" + str_source + str_width + str_height + "&amp;altFmImage_path=" + str_alternativeImage + str_getImageFormat + str_getImageCompression + "&amp;Crop=" + num_crop; 519 return str_output; 520 } 521 } 522 } 523 524 @if(loopProduct.Any() && isAValidSearch) 525 { 526 string groupLink = GetString("Ecom:Group:Field.LandingPageLink.Value.Clean"); 527 string searchPageID = item["SearchResults"].ToString(); 528 string detailPageID = item["ProductDetail"].ToString(); 529 string detailPunchoutPageID = item["Punchout_ProductDetail"] != null ? item["Punchout_ProductDetail"].ToString() : ""; 530 string liveSearchPage = item["LiveSearchPage"] != null ? item["LiveSearchPage"].ToString() : ""; 531 string liveSearchPagePunchout = item["Punchout_LiveSearchPage"] != null ? item["Punchout_LiveSearchPage"].ToString() : ""; 532 string addToCart = item["AddToCart"] != null ? item["AddToCart"].ToString() : ""; 533 bool cartDisabled = Convert.ToBoolean(item["DisableAddToCart"].ToString()); 534 string orderContext = item["OrderContext"] != null ? item["OrderContext"].ToString() : ""; 535 bool isConnectionAvailable = GetBoolean("Item.Area.DisableCheckout.Value") || !TemplatesHelper.IsWebServiceConnectionAvailable() ? false : true; 536 string inactiveButtonClass = isConnectionAvailable ? "addToCart" : "addToCart inactive"; 537 string str_liveSearchFormat = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Format"] ?? ""; 538 string str_liveSearchReactivity = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Reactivity"] ?? ""; 539 string str_liveSearchCellType = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["CellType"] ?? ""; 540 string str_liveSearchRegulatoryStatus = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["RegulatoryStatus"] ?? ""; 541 string str_liveSearchProductType = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["ProductType"] ?? ""; 542 string str_liveSearchApplications = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Applications"] ?? ""; 543 string str_liveSearchCompanyOld = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["CompanyOld"] ?? ""; 544 545 string sortByNameSelected = str_sortBy == sortByName ? "sortActive" : ""; 546 string sortByCloneSelected = (str_sortBy == sortByClone || str_sortBy == "" ) ? "sortActive" : ""; 547 string sortByApplicationsSelected = str_sortBy == sortByApplication ? "sortActive" : ""; 548 string sortByRegulatoryStatusSelected = str_sortBy == sortByRegulatoryStatus ? "sortActive" : ""; 549 550 string colGroup = (!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-offset-7" : "col-xs-offset-7"); 551 552 var prodLoop = loopProduct.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.GetString("Ecom:Product.Number"))).GroupBy(x => x.GetString("Ecom:Product.ID")).ToList(); 553 var prodLoopCount = prodLoop.Count; 554 555 556 // -------------------- 557 558 string str_imagesFolder = "/Files/Files/BioLegend/Products/"; 559 string navEnvironment = item["NavEnvironment"] != null ? item["NavEnvironment"].ToString() : ""; 560 string str_pagingHref = ""; 561 bool bol_userLogged = Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User.IsExtranetUserLoggedIn(); 562 string siteCurrency = Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current().Area.EcomCurrencyId; 563 string userCurrency = bol_userLogged ? Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User.GetCurrentUser().Currency : siteCurrency; 564 565 Dictionary<string, string> productTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 566 productTypes.Add("AncillaryProducts", "Ancillary"); 567 productTypes.Add("BuffersSolutionsChemicals", "Ancillary"); 568 productTypes.Add("CellBiologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 569 productTypes.Add("CellSeparation", "MojoSort"); 570 productTypes.Add("CytokineChemokineAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 571 productTypes.Add("ELISAMAXLEGENDMAX", "ELISA"); 572 productTypes.Add("EpitopeTagProducts", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 573 productTypes.Add("HumanImmunologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 574 productTypes.Add("IsotypeControls", "IsotypeControls"); 575 productTypes.Add("LEGENDplex", "LEGENDplex"); 576 productTypes.Add("LEGENDScreen", "LEGENDScreen"); 577 productTypes.Add("MarmosetImmunologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 578 productTypes.Add("MouseImmunologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 579 productTypes.Add("NeuroscienceProducts", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 580 productTypes.Add("RatImmunologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 581 productTypes.Add("RecombinantProteins", "Recombinant"); 582 productTypes.Add("SecondaryReagents", "SecondaryReagents"); 583 productTypes.Add("VirusImmunologyAntibodies", "PrimaryAntibodies"); 584 productTypes.Add("EnzymeAssays", "EnzymeAssays"); 585 productTypes.Add("FlexT", "FlexT"); 586 productTypes.Add("NonAntibodyChemicalProbes", "NonAntibodyChemicalProbes"); 587 int pageCal = 0; 588 string previousElement = ""; 589 string longLang = (string)GetGlobalValue("Global:Area.LongLang"); 590 var loop_productList3 = GetLoop("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3"); 591 int itemsCount = 0; 592 593 // Helpers to verify variants at the same product in a different page 594 @helper ShowTextAboutMoreOptionsInPreviousOrNextPages(List<LoopItem> loopProduct, bool isToPageBefore = false) 595 { 596 if(loopProduct.Any()) { 597 string countVariantsWithSameProdId = string.Empty; 598 string countTotalOfVariantsForProd = string.Empty; 599 string translateText = string.Empty; 600 string positionClass = "moreVariantsBefore"; 601 int totalPages = GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.TotalPages"); 602 603 if(isToPageBefore) { 604 countVariantsWithSameProdId = loopProduct.Where(p => p.GetString("Ecom:Product.ID") == loopProduct.First().GetString("Ecom:Product.ID")).Count().ToString(); 605 countTotalOfVariantsForProd = loopProduct.Select(p => p.GetString("Ecom:Product.ActiveVariantCount")).First().ToString(); 606 translateText = Translate("SeeMoreSizeOptionsForThisProductOnThePreviousPage","See more size options for this product on the previous page."); 607 608 } 609 else { 610 countVariantsWithSameProdId = loopProduct.Where(p => p.GetString("Ecom:Product.ID") == loopProduct.Last().GetString("Ecom:Product.ID")).Count().ToString(); 611 countTotalOfVariantsForProd = loopProduct.Select(p => p.GetString("Ecom:Product.ActiveVariantCount")).Last().ToString(); 612 translateText = Translate("SeeMoreSizeOptionsForThisProductOnTheNextPage","See more size options for this product on the next page."); 613 positionClass = "moreVariantsNext"; 614 } 615 616 if(countVariantsWithSameProdId != countTotalOfVariantsForProd && totalPages > 1) { 617 <div class="@positionClass col-xs-12">@translateText</div> 618 } 619 620 } 621 } 622 623 if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupLink)) 624 { 625 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(groupLink); 626 } 627 else if(prodLoopCount == 1 && GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.CurrentPage") == 1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_keywordsParam) && isASimpleSearch) 628 { 629 string frienldyHref = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl(String.Format("Default.aspx?ID={0}&ProductID={1}",detailPageID,prodLoop[0].Key.ToString())); 630 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(frienldyHref); 631 } 632 else 633 { 634 635 <div class='col-xs-12 noPadding'> 636 <div class="pull-left noPadding" id="moreInfo"> 637 <button class='btn-primary viewOption default @(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(listView) ? "active" : "")'>@Translate("listView","List View")</button> 638 <button class='btn-primary viewOption @(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(listView) ? "active" : "")'>@Translate("detailView","Detail View")</button> 639 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_keywordsParam)){ 640 <button class='btn-primary' id="searchForContent" onClick="searchForContent();" data-searchpageID="@contentSearchPage">@Translate("contentPagesBTNText","Find Content Pages")</button> 641 } 642 </div> 643 <div class="noPadding"><hr id="searchButtonDivider" /></div> 644 </div> 645 646 bool bol_noResults = false; 647 var requestParams = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params; 648 string str_groupID = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["GroupID"]) ? requestParams["GroupID"].ToString() : ""; 649 string str_price = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["Price"]) ? requestParams["Price"] : "" ; 650 string str_clone = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["Clone"]) ? requestParams["Clone"] : "" ; 651 string str_keywords = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["Keywords"]) ? requestParams["Keywords"] : "" ; 652 string DateReleasedMin = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["DateReleasedMin"]) ? requestParams["DateReleasedMin"] : "" ; 653 string DateReleasedMax = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["DateReleasedMax"]) ? requestParams["DateReleasedMax"] : "" ; 654 string view = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["view"]) ? requestParams["view"] : "" ; 655 var lst_parameters = GetLoop("Query.Parameters"); 656 var loopFacetGroups = GetLoop("FacetGroups"); 657 658 /* Workaround due a DW bug */ 659 Dictionary<string, string> applicationsData = GetFilterData("BLFD_1"); 660 Dictionary<string, string> formatsData = GetFilterData("BLFDF_1"); 661 662 /* END Workaround */ 663 664 if(loopFacetGroups.Any()) 665 { 666 <div class="col-xs-2 noPadding"> 667 668 <div class="headerBox filtersHead col-xs-12 noPadding"> 669 <span class='title'>@Translate("filterYourResults", "Filter your results")</span> 670 </div> 671 672 <form id="filtersForm" action="/Default.aspx" class="col-xs-12 noPaddingLeft productSearchFilters"> 673 <input type="hidden" name="ID" value="@Pageview.Page.ID" /> 674 <input type="hidden" name="SortBy" value="@str_sortBy" /> 675 <input type="hidden" name="PageSize" value="@str_pageSize" /> 676 677 @hiddenField("Keywords", str_keywords) 678 @hiddenField("Clone", str_clone) 679 @if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["p1"])){ 680 for(var k = 1; k < 12; k++){ 681 @hiddenField("k" + k, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["k" + k]) ? requestParams["k" + k] : "") 682 } 683 } 684 else { 685 for(var p = 1; p < 12; p++){ 686 @hiddenField("p" + p, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["p" + p]) ? requestParams["p" + p] : "") 687 } 688 } 689 @hiddenField("sortOrder", str_sortOrder) 690 @hiddenField("GroupID", str_paramGroupID) 691 @hiddenField("GeneID", str_GeneIDParam) 692 @hiddenField("Specificity", str_SpecificityParam) 693 @hiddenField("DateReleasedMin", DateReleasedMin) 694 @hiddenField("DateReleasedMax", DateReleasedMax) 695 696 <input type="hidden" name="view" value="@view" /> 697 698 @if(item["ExploreNewProducts"].ToString() == Pageview.Page.ID.ToString()){ 699 string currentMonth = DateTime.Today.ToString("MM"); 700 string monthParameter = requestParams["month"] != null ? requestParams["month"].ToString() : ""; 701 702 <fieldset> 703 <label>@Translate("Month", "Month")</label> 704 <div class="filtersContainer"> 705 <label class="radioBoxContainer" for="@currentMonth"><input class="month" data-min='@String.Format("{0}-{1}-01", DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month)' data-max='@String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month))' @( monthParameter == currentMonth ? "checked='checked'" : "") type="radio" value="@currentMonth" id="@currentMonth" name="month"> <span>@DateTime.Today.ToString("MMMM")</span></label> 706 </div> 707 @for(var i=1; i < 6; i++ ){ 708 string month = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).ToString("MMMM"); 709 string monthNumeric = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).ToString("MM"); 710 <div class="filtersContainer"> 711 <label class="radioBoxContainer" for="@month"> 712 <input class="month" data-min='@String.Format("{0}-{1}-01", DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Year, DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Month)' data-max='@String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Year, DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Year, DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i).Month))' @( monthParameter == monthNumeric ? "checked='checked'" : "") type="radio" value="@monthNumeric" id="@month" name="month"> 713 <span>@month</span> 714 </label> 715 </div> 716 } 717 </fieldset> 718 } 719 720 @foreach (LoopItem g in loopFacetGroups) { 721 foreach (LoopItem i in g.GetLoop("Facets")) { 722 string str_parameterType = lst_parameters.Where(x => x.GetString("Parameter.Name") == i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter")).FirstOrDefault().GetString("Parameter.Type"); 723 string str_templateOutput = "string"; 724 725 if(str_parameterType.Contains("[]")){ 726 switch (i.GetString("Facet.Name")) 727 { 728 case "fieldName": 729 str_templateOutput = "multiselect"; 730 break; 731 default: 732 str_templateOutput = "checkboxes"; 733 break; 734 } 735 } 736 else if(str_parameterType.Contains("Boolean")){ 737 switch (i.GetString("Facet.Name")) 738 { 739 case "fieldName": 740 str_templateOutput = "select"; 741 break; 742 case "fieldName2": 743 str_templateOutput = "radio"; 744 break; 745 default: 746 str_templateOutput = "checkbox"; 747 break; 748 } 749 } 750 else if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.GetString("Facet.OptionCount"))) { 751 switch (i.GetString("Facet.Name")) 752 { 753 case "fieldName": 754 str_templateOutput = "select"; 755 break; 756 case "fieldName2": 757 str_templateOutput = "radios"; 758 break; 759 case "fieldName3": 760 str_templateOutput = "multiselect"; 761 break; 762 case "fieldName4": 763 str_templateOutput = "text"; 764 break; 765 default: 766 str_templateOutput = "checkboxes"; 767 break; 768 } 769 770 } 771 else { 772 switch (i.GetString("Facet.Name")) 773 { 774 case "fieldName": 775 str_templateOutput = "autocomplete"; 776 break; 777 default: 778 str_templateOutput = "text"; 779 break; 780 } 781 } 782 @field(i, str_parameterType, str_templateOutput, bol_noResults, applicationsData, formatsData) 783 } 784 } 785 </form> 786 </div> 787 788 @helper hiddenField(string name, string value){ 789 if(value != "") { 790 <input type="hidden" name="@name" value="@value" /> 791 } 792 } 793 794 @helper field(LoopItem i , string str_parameterType, string str_templateOutput, bool bol_noResults, Dictionary<string, string> applicationsData, Dictionary<string, string> formatsData ) { 795 string str_parameter = i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter"); 796 string str_name = i.GetString("Facet.Name"); 797 var facetOptions = i.GetLoop("FacetOptions"); 798 799 if(bol_noResults){ 800 facetOptions = facetOptions.OrderByDescending(o => o.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count")).ThenBy(or => or.GetString("FacetOption.Label")).ToList(); 801 } 802 else{ 803 facetOptions = facetOptions.Where(f => f.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count") != 0).OrderBy(o => o.GetString("FacetOption.Label")).ToList(); 804 } 805 806 switch (str_templateOutput) 807 { 808 case "multiselect": 809 if(facetOptions.Any()) { 810 <fieldset> 811 <legend>@str_name</legend> 812 <select data-selected-text-format="count" data-live-search="true" data-size="8" name="@str_parameter" multiple> 813 @foreach(LoopItem option in facetOptions.OrderByDescending(o => o.GetInteger("FacetOption.Label"))) 814 { 815 bool bol_checked = option.GetBoolean("FacetOption.Selected"); 816 string str_value = option.GetString("FacetOption.Value"); 817 818 <option selected="@bol_checked" value="@str_value">@option.GetString("FacetOption.Label")</option> 819 } 820 </select> 821 </fieldset> 822 } 823 824 break; 825 case "checkboxes": 826 string extraClass = ( i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter").Equals("ExcitationLaser") || i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter").Equals("Isotype") ) ? "noCapitalize" : ""; 827 string inputID = i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter") + "Search"; 828 string inputDivID = i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter") + "Div"; 829 if(facetOptions.Any()) { 830 int count = 0; 831 <fieldset data-type="@str_parameterType"> 832 @if(facetOptions.Where(f => f.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count") != 0).Count() > 0) { 833 <legend class="filterTitle seeMoreProducts" data-parameter='@i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter")'>@str_name</legend> 834 } 835 else{ 836 <legend class="filterTitle">@str_name</legend> 837 } 838 839 <div class="filtersContainer @extraClass hide" id="@inputDivID"> 840 @if(facetOptions.Where(f => f.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count") != 0).Count() > 9) { 841 <div class="searchFilterContainer"> 842 <span class="fa fa-search"></span> 843 <input class="searchFilterSearchBar" id="@inputID" onkeyup="filterSearchFilterOptions('@inputID','@inputDivID');" > 844 </div> 845 } 846 @foreach(LoopItem option in facetOptions) 847 { 848 bool bol_checked = option.GetBoolean("FacetOption.Selected"); 849 string str_value = option.GetString("FacetOption.Value"); 850 if(bol_checked){ 851 Dictionary<string, string> breadcrumbSourceTemp = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 852 string thisFilter = @i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter") + str_value; 853 breadcrumbSourceTemp.Add("val",str_value); 854 breadcrumbSourceTemp.Add("label",@option.GetString("FacetOption.Label")); 855 breadcrumbSourceTemp.Add("filter",@i.GetString("Facet.QueryParameter")); 856 breadcrumbSource.Add(thisFilter,breadcrumbSourceTemp); 857 } 858 count++; 859 //string str_class = count > 5 ? "hide" : ""; 860 861 <label class="checkBoxContainer"><input checked="@bol_checked" type="checkbox" value="@str_value" name="@str_parameter"> 862 <span> 863 @if(str_name == "Applications" && applicationsData.ContainsKey(str_value) ){ 864 @applicationsData[str_value] 865 } 866 else if (str_name == "Format" && formatsData.ContainsKey(str_value) ){ 867 @formatsData[str_value] 868 } 869 else { 870 @option.GetString("FacetOption.Label") 871 } 872 @if(option.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count") > 0) { 873 @String.Format("({0})", option.GetString("FacetOption.Count")); 874 } 875 </span> 876 </label> 877 } 878 </div> 879 </fieldset> 880 } 881 882 break; 883 case "select": 884 885 break; 886 case "checkbox": 887 888 if(facetOptions.Any()) { 889 <fieldset data-type="@str_parameterType"> 890 @foreach(LoopItem option in facetOptions.Where(f => f.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count") != 0).OrderByDescending(o => o.GetInteger("FacetOption.Count")).ThenBy(or => or.GetString("FacetOption.Label"))) 891 { 892 bool bol_checked = option.GetBoolean("FacetOption.Selected"); 893 string str_value = option.GetString("FacetOption.Value") == "True" ? "True" : ""; 894 895 if(str_value == "True") { 896 <legend class="filterTitle">@str_name</legend> 897 <div class="filtersContainer"> 898 <label class="checkBoxContainer"><input checked="@bol_checked" type="checkbox" value="@str_value" name="@str_parameter"> <span>@str_name (@option.GetString("FacetOption.Count"))</span></label> 899 </div> 900 } 901 } 902 </fieldset> 903 } 904 905 break; 906 case "radio": 907 908 break; 909 case "radios": 910 911 break; 912 case "autocomplete": 913 914 break; 915 default: 916 <fieldset data-type="@str_parameterType"> 917 <legend class="filterTitle">@str_name</legend> 918 <div class="filtersContainer"> 919 <input type="text" name="@str_parameter" value="" /> 920 </div> 921 </fieldset> 922 break; 923 } 924 } 925 926 } 927 928 @functions{ 929 public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> breadcrumbSource = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>(); 930 public string GetApplicationsLabel(string applicationValues, Dictionary<string, string> applicationsData){ 931 applicationValues = applicationValues.Replace("\"","").Replace(",",", "); 932 /* 933 string[] applicationsList = applicationValues.Split(','); 934 applicationValues = ""; 935 foreach(var app in applicationsList){ 936 if(applicationsData.ContainsKey(app)) { 937 applicationValues += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationValues) ? ", " : ""; 938 applicationValues += applicationsData[app]; 939 } 940 } 941 */ 942 return applicationValues; 943 } 944 945 public Dictionary<string, string> GetFilterData(string fieldID) 946 { 947 //HttpContext.Current.Cache.Remove("applicationsDataCache_" + fieldID); 948 var applicationCache = HttpContext.Current.Cache["applicationsDataCache_" + fieldID]; 949 Dictionary<string, string> applicationsData = applicationCache as Dictionary<string, string> ?? new Dictionary<string, string>(); 950 if(applicationCache == null) 951 { 952 using(var connection = Dynamicweb.Data.Database.CreateConnection()) 953 { 954 using(var command = connection.CreateCommand()) 955 { 956 command.CommandText = "SELECT FieldOptionValue,FieldOptionName FROM EcomFieldOption WHERE FieldOptionFieldID=''+@fieldID+'' ORDER BY FieldOptionValue"; 957 command.Parameters.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() 958 { 959 ParameterName = "fieldID", 960 SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 961 Value = fieldID 962 }); 963 using(var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) 964 { 965 if(reader != null) 966 { 967 while (reader.Read()) 968 { 969 applicationsData.Add(reader["FieldOptionValue"].ToString(), reader["FieldOptionName"].ToString()); 970 } 971 } 972 } 973 } 974 } 975 HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert("applicationsDataCache_" + fieldID, applicationsData, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); 976 } 977 return applicationsData; 978 } 979 } 980 981 <div class='col-xs-10 productArea noPaddingRight @(listView == "detailedView" ? "detailedView" : "" )'> 982 983 @{ 984 string groupDescription = GetString("Ecom:Group.Description"); 985 int loopProductCount = loopProduct.Count; 986 int totalProductCount = GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.PageProdCnt"); 987 int startLoopProductCount = (loopProductCount * (GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.CurrentPage") - 1)) + 1; 988 int endLoopProductCount = loopProductCount * GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.CurrentPage"); 989 990 if(loopProductCount < GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.PageSize")){ 991 startLoopProductCount = (GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.PageSize") * (GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.CurrentPage") - 1)) + 1; 992 endLoopProductCount = totalProductCount; 993 } 994 } 995 996 @if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupDescription)) { 997 <div id="groupDescription" class="col-xs-12 noPadding"> 998 @groupDescription 999 </div> 1000 } 1001 1002 <span class="productListResume col-xs-3 noPadding"> 1003 @Translate("productListCount","{{numberProducts}} of {{countAllProducts}} items").Replace("{{numberProducts}}", String.Format("{0}-{1}", startLoopProductCount, endLoopProductCount)).Replace("{{countAllProducts}}", totalProductCount.ToString()) 1004 </span> 1005 1006 <form id="orderProdList" class="col-xs-3 noPadding" action="/Default.aspx" name="ExtUserForm_Main" method="GET"> 1007 <input type="hidden" name="ID" value='@Pageview.Page.ID'> 1008 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_paramGroupID)) 1009 { 1010 <input type="hidden" name="GroupID" value='@str_paramGroupID'> 1011 } 1012 1013 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_keywordsParam)) 1014 { 1015 <input type="hidden" name="Keywords" value='@str_keywordsParam'> 1016 } 1017 1018 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_GeneIDParam)) 1019 { 1020 <input type="hidden" name="GeneID" value='@str_GeneIDParam'> 1021 } 1022 1023 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_SpecificityParam)) 1024 { 1025 <input type="hidden" name="Specificity" value='@str_SpecificityParam'> 1026 } 1027 1028 <fieldset class="col-xs-12 noPadding" data-groupdID="@str_paramGroupID"> 1029 <label>@Translate("Sort by"):</label> 1030 <select id="sortSelect" name="SortBy"> 1031 <option selected='@(str_sortBy == "")' value="@sortByMatch">@Translate("Match","Best Match")</option> 1032 <option selected='@(str_sortBy == sortByName)' value="@sortByName">@Translate("Name")</option> 1033 <option selected='@(str_sortBy == sortByClone)' value="@sortByClone">@Translate("Clone","Clone")</option> 1034 <option selected='@(str_sortBy == sortByApplication )' value="@sortByApplication">@Translate("Applications","Applications")</option> 1035 <option selected='@(str_sortBy == sortByRegulatoryStatus)' value="@sortByRegulatoryStatus">@Translate("RegulatoryStatus","Regulatory Status")</option> 1036 </select> 1037 </fieldset> 1038 1039 </form> 1040 1041 @{ 1042 string str_nextPage = GetString("Ecom:ProductList.NextPage"); 1043 int num_totalPages = GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.TotalPages"); 1044 int num_curPage = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["PageNum"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["PageNum"].ToString()) : 1; 1045 string prevPageClean = GetString("Ecom:ProductList.PrevPage.Clean"); 1046 string nextPageClean = GetString("Ecom:ProductList.NextPage.Clean"); 1047 } 1048 1049 @if(num_totalPages > 1) 1050 { 1051 string getGlobalRequest = GetGlobalValue("Global:Request.Url"); 1052 1053 <ul class="pagination col-xs-5 pull-right"> 1054 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prevPageClean)) 1055 { 1056 <li class="previous"><a href='@prevPageClean'><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> @Translate("Previous")</a></li> 1057 } 1058 1059 @if(num_curPage > 2 && num_totalPages > 3){ 1060 for(int i=1;i <= 1;i++){ 1061 string str_active = num_curPage == i ? "class=\"active\"" : ""; 1062 str_pagingHref = getGlobalRequest.Contains("PageNum") ? getGlobalRequest.Replace("PageNum="+num_curPage, "PageNum=" + i ) : getGlobalRequest + "&PageNum=" + i; 1063 <li @str_active><a href="@str_pagingHref">@i</a></li> 1064 } 1065 if(num_totalPages > 4 && num_curPage != 3 ) { 1066 <li class="etc"><span>...</span></li> 1067 } 1068 } 1069 @foreach (LoopItem i in loop_productList3) 1070 { 1071 if(i.GetBoolean("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.IsCurrent")) 1072 { 1073 <li class="active"><a href="@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.UrlHtmlEncoded")">@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.Number")</a></li> 1074 } 1075 else 1076 { 1077 <li><a href="@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.UrlHtmlEncoded")">@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.Number")</a></li> 1078 } 1079 } 1080 @if(num_curPage < num_totalPages-1 && num_totalPages > 3){ 1081 if(num_totalPages > 4) { 1082 <li class="etc"><span>...</span></li> 1083 } 1084 for(int i=num_totalPages;i <= num_totalPages;i++){ 1085 string str_active = num_curPage == i ? "class=\"active\"" : ""; 1086 str_pagingHref = getGlobalRequest.Contains("PageNum") ? getGlobalRequest.Replace("PageNum="+num_curPage, "PageNum="+i) : getGlobalRequest + "&PageNum=" + i; 1087 <li @str_active><a href="@str_pagingHref">@i</a></li> 1088 } 1089 } 1090 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextPageClean)) 1091 { 1092 <li class="next"><a href='@nextPageClean'>@Translate("Next") <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li> 1093 } 1094 </ul> 1095 } 1096 1097 @helper Truncate(string str_input,int num_length) 1098 { 1099 if(str_input.Length <= num_length){ 1100 @str_input 1101 }else{ 1102 @str_input.Substring(0,num_length)<text>...</text> 1103 } 1104 } 1105 1106 <div class="col-xs-12"> 1107 @{ 1108 string keywordlessURL = String.Format("/Default.aspx?ID={0}", searchPageID); 1109 string breadcrumbEntry = ""; 1110 foreach(KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, string>> entryOuter in breadcrumbSource) 1111 { 1112 Dictionary<string, string> thisItem = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 1113 foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> entryMiddle in entryOuter.Value) 1114 { 1115 thisItem.Add(entryMiddle.Key, entryMiddle.Value); 1116 } 1117 string filterURL = String.Format("/Default.aspx?ID={0}&{1}={2}", searchPageID,thisItem["filter"],thisItem["val"]); 1118 string thisBreadcrumbEntry = String.Format("<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a> <a href=\"javascript:uncheckFilter('{2}','{3}')\"><i class=\"fa fa-times-circle\"></i></a> <text>/</text>", filterURL,thisItem["label"],thisItem["val"],thisItem["filter"]); 1119 breadcrumbEntry += thisBreadcrumbEntry; 1120 keywordlessURL += String.Format("&{0}={1}", thisItem["filter"],thisItem["val"]); 1121 1122 } 1123 1124 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_keywordsParam)) 1125 { 1126 @str_keywordsParam <a href="@keywordlessURL"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a> <text>/</text> 1127 } 1128 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_CloneParam)) 1129 { 1130 @str_CloneParam <a href="@keywordlessURL"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a> <text>/</text> 1131 } 1132 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_SpecificityParam)) 1133 { 1134 @str_SpecificityParam <a href="@keywordlessURL"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></a> <text>/</text> 1135 } 1136 1137 @breadcrumbEntry 1138 } 1139 1140 1141 </div> 1142 1143 <ul id="productsHolder" class="productList col-xs-12 noPadding"> 1144 1145 <li class="col-xs-12 noPadding"> 1146 <div class="col-xs-3 @sortByNameSelected"> 1147 @Translate("Product","Product") 1148 </div> 1149 1150 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-2" : "col-xs-2") noPadding @sortByCloneSelected'> 1151 @Translate("Clone","Clone") 1152 </div> 1153 1154 <div class="col-xs-1 noPadding @sortByApplicationsSelected"> 1155 @Translate("Appl","Appl.") 1156 </div> 1157 1158 <div class="col-xs-1 @sortByRegulatoryStatusSelected"> 1159 @Translate("Reg","Reg") 1160 </div> 1161 1162 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-5" : "col-xs-5") noPadding'> 1163 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-3" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1164 @Translate("categoryNumberShort","Cat#") 1165 </div> 1166 1167 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-3" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1168 @Translate("size","Size") 1169 </div> 1170 1171 @if(!cartDisabled) 1172 { 1173 <div class="col-xs-2 noPadding"> 1174 @Translate("price","Price") 1175 </div> 1176 1177 <div class="col-xs-1 noPadding"> 1178 @Translate("quantityHeader","Quantity") 1179 </div> 1180 } 1181 1182 </div> 1183 1184 </li> 1185 1186 @foreach (var group in prodLoop){ 1187 itemsCount++; 1188 1189 <li class="col-xs-12" > 1190 @if(itemsCount == 1) { 1191 @ShowTextAboutMoreOptionsInPreviousOrNextPages(loopProduct, true) 1192 } 1193 <ul> 1194 @foreach (var product in group) 1195 { 1196 1197 string str_productName = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Name"); 1198 string str_productID = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ID"); 1199 var str_link = "/Default.aspx?id=" + GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ProductDetail") + "&ProductId=" + str_productID; 1200 //string str_link = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Link.Clean"); 1201 bool excludeAB = product.GetBoolean("Ecom:Product:Field.ExcludeAB.Value"); 1202 string productType = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.CMProductType.Value"); 1203 string productCategory = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.ProductCategory.Value"); 1204 string regulatoryStatus = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.RegulatoryStatus.Value"); 1205 string productClone = Regex.Replace(product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Clone.Value"), "<!.*?>", String.Empty , RegexOptions.Singleline).Trim(); 1206 string productReactivity = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Reactivity.Value"); 1207 1208 string str_starClass = ""; 1209 string str_halfStar = ""; 1210 1211 string str_productImage = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ImageSmall.Clean"); 1212 string str_productImageMedium = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ImageMedium.Clean"); 1213 string str_productImageLarge = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.ImageLarge.Clean"); 1214 string str_productImage4 = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image4Path.Value.Clean"); 1215 1216 string str_productGetImage = GetImage(str_productImage, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1217 string str_productGetImageMedium = GetImage(str_productImageMedium, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1218 string str_productGetImageLarge = GetImage(str_productImageLarge, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1219 string str_productGetImage4 = GetImage(str_productImage4, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1220 1221 string str_image1Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image1Description.Value"); 1222 string str_image2Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image2Description.Value"); 1223 string str_image3Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image3Description.Value"); 1224 string str_image4Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image4Description.Value"); 1225 1226 string str_image1Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image1Title.Value"); 1227 string str_image2Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image2Title.Value"); 1228 string str_image3Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image3Title.Value"); 1229 string str_image4Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image4Title.Value"); 1230 1231 string str_productImage5 = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image5Path.Value.Clean"); 1232 string str_productGetImage5 = GetImage(str_productImage5, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1233 string str_image5Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image5Description.Value"); 1234 string str_image5Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image5Title.Value"); 1235 1236 string str_productImage6 = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image6Path.Value.Clean"); 1237 string str_productGetImage6 = GetImage(str_productImage6, 140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"jpg",90); 1238 string str_image6Description = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image6Description.Value"); 1239 string str_image6Title = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Image6Title.Value"); 1240 1241 string str_productFormat = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.Format.Value"); 1242 1243 string stockUS = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockUS.Value.Clean")) ? product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockUS.Value.Clean") : "0"; 1244 string stockUK = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockUK.Value.Clean")) ? product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockUK.Value.Clean") : "0"; 1245 string stockEU = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockEU.Value.Clean")) ? product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockEU.Value.Clean") : "0"; 1246 string stockControl = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.StockControl.Value.Clean"); 1247 1248 bool isComingSoon = product.GetBoolean("Ecom:Product:Field.ComingSoon.Value"); 1249 string DCSoon = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.DCSoon.Value"); 1250 1251 bool blockAddToCart = product.GetBoolean("Ecom:Product:Field.BlockAddToCart.Value"); 1252 string blockAddToCartText = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.BlockAddToCartText.Value"); 1253 blockAddToCartText = blockAddToCartText.Replace("'", "&apos;"); 1254 blockAddToCartText = blockAddToCartText.Replace("\r\n", ""); 1255 blockAddToCartText = blockAddToCartText.Replace("\r", ""); 1256 blockAddToCartText = blockAddToCartText.Replace("\n", ""); 1257 1258 bool requestQuote = product.GetBoolean("Ecom:Product:Field.RequestQuote.Value"); 1259 1260 List<Tuple<string,string,string>> lst_images = new List<Tuple<string,string,string>>(); 1261 1262 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImage)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(str_productImage,str_image1Title,str_image1Description)); } 1263 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImageMedium)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(str_productImageMedium,str_image2Title,str_image2Description)); } 1264 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImageLarge)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(str_productImageLarge,str_image3Title,str_image3Description)); } 1265 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImage4)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string ,string>(str_productImage4,str_image4Title,str_image4Description)); } 1266 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImage5)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string ,string>(str_productImage5,str_image5Title,str_image5Description)); } 1267 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str_productImage6)) { lst_images.Add(new Tuple<string, string ,string>(str_productImage6,str_image6Title,str_image6Description)); } 1268 1269 string str_productVariantID = product.GetString("Ecom:Product.VariantID"); 1270 string urlAction = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl("Default.aspx?ID=" + addToCart); 1271 string productFieldType = ""; 1272 if (productTypes.ContainsKey(productType)) 1273 { 1274 productFieldType = productTypes[productType]; 1275 } 1276 1277 int productStatus = product.GetInteger("Ecom:Product:Field.ProductStatus.Value.Clean"); 1278 string productSource = product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.ProductSource.Value.Clean"); 1279 int productVariantStatus = product.GetInteger("Ecom:Product:Field.ProductStatus.Value.Clean"); 1280 1281 @functions { 1282 public string CalculateProductName(string prodName, string prodType, string prodFormat, bool excludeAntibody) 1283 { 1284 string cleanName = prodName; 1285 if(prodType.Equals("PrimaryAntibodies") && !prodName.Contains(" Antibody") && !prodName.Contains("Buffer") && !prodName.Contains("Annexin") && !prodName.Contains("Solution") && !prodName.Contains("Diluent") && !prodName.Contains("Substrate Reagent") && !prodName.Contains("ecombinant") && !prodName.Contains("Panel") && !prodName.Contains("Elisa Max") && !prodName.Contains("Cocktail") && !prodName.Contains("Isotype Control") && !prodName.Contains("Avidin") && !prodName.Contains("Normal Serum Block") && !prodName.Contains("Detection Kit") && !prodName.Contains("Affinity") && !prodName.Contains("ELISA Kit") && !prodName.Contains("Phase-Flow") && !prodName.Contains("Treg Flow") && !prodFormat.Equals("Peptide") && (!excludeAntibody)){ 1286 cleanName += " Antibody"; 1287 } 1288 1289 if(prodType.Equals("SecondaryReagents") && !prodName.Contains(" Antibody") && !prodName.Contains("Streptavidin") && !prodName.Contains("Avidin") && (!excludeAntibody)){ 1290 cleanName += " Antibody"; 1291 } 1292 1293 if(prodType.Equals("IsotypeControls") && !prodName.Contains(" Antibody") && !prodName.Contains("Lineage Cocktail") && (!excludeAntibody)){ 1294 cleanName += " Antibody"; 1295 } 1296 1297 return cleanName; 1298 } 1299 } 1300 str_productName = CalculateProductName(str_productName,productFieldType,str_productFormat,excludeAB); 1301 1302 @helper renderCloneFieldForSearch(string clone, string spID, string pCat, string pReact, string searchType) 1303 { 1304 string cloneText = ""; 1305 if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clone)){ 1306 1307 string thisClone = ""; 1308 if(clone.Contains(";")){ 1309 string[] clones = (clone).Replace(" ", "").Split(';'); 1310 foreach (var x in clones) 1311 { 1312 string cloneHTML = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(x); 1313 string cloneTag = "; "; 1314 thisClone += "<a href=\"/Default.aspx?ID=" + spID + "&amp;Clone=" + cloneHTML + "\">" + x + "</a>" + cloneTag; 1315 } 1316 } 1317 else{ 1318 string cloneHTML = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(clone); 1319 if(pCat.Equals("RECOM_PRO")){ 1320 thisClone = "<a href=\"/Default.aspx?ID=" + spID + "&amp;Clone=" + cloneHTML + "\">" + clone + "</a>"; 1321 1322 } 1323 else{ 1324 if(searchType == "Detail"){ 1325 thisClone = "<a href=\"/Default.aspx?ID=" + spID + "&amp;Clone=" + cloneHTML + "\">" + clone + "</a>"; 1326 } 1327 else{ 1328 thisClone = "<a href=\"/Default.aspx?ID=" + spID + "&amp;Clone=" + cloneHTML + "\"><i class=\"bl bl-cloneIcon\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"" + pReact + "\"></i> " + clone + "</a>"; 1329 } 1330 } 1331 1332 } 1333 1334 cloneText += thisClone; 1335 1336 1337 1338 } 1339 else if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pReact) && !pCat.Equals("RECOM_PRO") && !searchType.Equals("Detail")) 1340 { 1341 cloneText += "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\"><i class=\"bl bl-cloneIcon\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"" + pReact + "\"></i></a>"; 1342 } 1343 1344 <text>@cloneText</text> 1345 1346 } 1347 1348 @helper renderCloneFieldForSearch_v2(string clone, string spID, string pCat, string pReact, string searchType) 1349 { 1350 string cloneText = ""; 1351 if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clone)) { 1352 string thisClone = ""; 1353 if(clone.Contains(";")){ 1354 string[] clones = (clone).Replace(" ", "").Split(';'); 1355 foreach (var x in clones) 1356 { 1357 string cloneTag = "; "; 1358 thisClone += $"<a href=\"javascript:updateClone('{x}');\">{x}</a>" + cloneTag; 1359 } 1360 } 1361 else { 1362 if(pCat.Equals("RECOM_PRO") 1363 || searchType == "Detail") 1364 { 1365 thisClone = $"<a href=\"javascript:updateClone('{clone}');\">{clone}</a>"; 1366 } 1367 else { 1368 thisClone = "<a href=\"javascript:updateClone('" + clone + "');\"><i class=\"bl bl-cloneIcon\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"" + pReact + "\"></i> " + clone + "</a>"; 1369 } 1370 } 1371 1372 cloneText += thisClone; 1373 } 1374 else if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pReact) && !pCat.Equals("RECOM_PRO") && !searchType.Equals("Detail")) 1375 { 1376 cloneText += "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\"><i class=\"bl bl-cloneIcon\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"" + pReact + "\"></i></a>"; 1377 } 1378 1379 <text>@cloneText</text> 1380 } 1381 1382 <li class="row list" data-variantID="@str_productVariantID"> 1383 @if(previousElement != str_productID) 1384 { 1385 <h2 class="col-xs-3"> 1386 <a itemprop="name" href="@str_link"> 1387 @str_productName 1388 </a> 1389 </h2> 1390 1391 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-2" : "col-xs-2") noPaddingLeft'> 1392 @renderCloneFieldForSearch(productClone,searchPageID,productCategory,productReactivity,"List") 1393 </div> 1394 1395 <div class="col-xs-1 noPadding wordWrap"> 1396 <a href="@LocalizeLinksHTML("dwcountry/abbreviations")" target="_blank" title='@Translate("ViewAbbreviationDescriptions","View abbreviation descriptions")'> 1397 @GetApplicationsLabel(product.GetString("Ecom:Product:Field.AppAbrv.Value"), applicationsData) 1398 </a> 1399 </div> 1400 1401 <div class="col-xs-1"> 1402 @if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(regulatoryStatus)){ 1403 @regulatoryStatus 1404 }else{ 1405 <text>--</text> 1406 } 1407 </div> 1408 } 1409 1410 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-5" : "col-xs-5") noPadding @(previousElement == str_productID ? colGroup : "")'> 1411 1412 <form name="addToCart" class="add-to-cart col-xs-12 noPadding" action="@urlAction" method="POST"> 1413 @if(bol_userLogged) 1414 { 1415 <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="false"/> 1416 } 1417 <input type="hidden" name="cartcmd" value="add"/> 1418 <input type="hidden" name="productid" value="@str_productID"/> 1419 <input type="hidden" name="variantID" value="@str_productVariantID" /> 1420 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderContext)) 1421 { 1422 <input type="hidden" name="OrderContext" value="@orderContext" /> 1423 } 1424 1425 @if((longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && regulatoryStatus.Equals("IVD")) || (longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && str_productID.Equals("11573")) ){ 1426 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-2" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1427 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1428 </div> 1429 } 1430 else{ 1431 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-3" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1432 @if (!isComingSoon) 1433 { 1434 @product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Number") 1435 } 1436 else 1437 { 1438 @Translate("comingSoon", "Coming Soon") 1439 } 1440 </div> 1441 } 1442 1443 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-3" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1444 @product.GetString("Ecom:Product.VariantText") 1445 </div> 1446 1447 <div class='@(!cartDisabled ? "col-xs-2" : "col-xs-4") noPadding'> 1448 @if(longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && str_productFormat.Contains("GOINVIVO") && !str_productVariantID.Equals("5mg")) 1449 { 1450 @Translate("PleaseContactUs","Please Contact Us") 1451 } 1452 else if(longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && blockAddToCart){ 1453 <div><p class="coming-soon">@blockAddToCartText</p></div> 1454 } 1455 else if(longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && @product.GetString("Ecom:Product.Number").Equals("423555")){ 1456 <span class="withBreak" itemprop="price">@RoundPrice(product.GetDouble("Ecom:Product.Price.PricePIP"))</span> 1457 } 1458 else if(requestQuote){ 1459 <div><a href="@LocalizeLinksHTML("dwcountry/contact-local-rep")" target="_blank">Get a Quote</a></div> 1460 } 1461 else if(str_productID.Equals("10801") && !longLang.Equals("en-US")) 1462 { 1463 @Translate("addToCartForPrice","Add to cart for price.") 1464 } 1465 else if(str_productName.Contains("Flex-T") && str_productName.Contains("Custom")){ 1466 1467 } 1468 else if((longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && regulatoryStatus.Equals("IVD")) || (longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && str_productID.Equals("11573")) ){ 1469 1470 } 1471 else{ 1472 <span class="withBreak" itemprop="price">@RoundPrice(product.GetDouble("Ecom:Product.Price.PricePIP"))</span> 1473 } 1474 </div> 1475 1476 @if(!cartDisabled && !(str_productName.Contains("Flex-T") && str_productName.Contains("Custom"))) 1477 { 1478 <div class="col-xs-1 noPadding"> 1479 @if (!productVariantStatus.Equals(3) && !isComingSoon && !blockAddToCart) 1480 { 1481 <input data-reservedStock='@product.GetString("Ecom:Product.AvailableAmount")' data-productStatus="@productStatus" data-stockControl='@stockControl.ToLower()' data-stocktranslate='@Translate("currentStock","The current stock is")' data-stock='@( navEnvironment.Equals("US") ? stockUS : stockUK)' type="text" name="quantity" value="1" size="3" class="productQTYRequestBox" /> 1482 } 1483 </div> 1484 1485 <div class="col-xs-1"> 1486 @if(blockAddToCart) { 1487 <button onClick="alert('@blockAddToCartText'); return false;" title="@blockAddToCartText"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></button> 1488 } else { 1489 if(str_productName.Contains("Capture Bead") || (str_productName.Contains("LEGENDplex") && (str_productName.Contains("Standard") || str_productName.Contains("Detection Antibodies") || str_productName.Contains("Detection Abs") || str_productName.Contains("Buffer Set")))) 1490 { 1491 <button onClick="mixMatchProductRedirect('@longLang'); return false;" title="@Translate("mixAndMatch","Mix & Match")"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></button> 1492 } 1493 else if(str_productName.Contains("Flex-T") && str_productName.Contains("Custom")){ 1494 } 1495 else if((longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && regulatoryStatus.Equals("IVD")) || (longLang.Equals("ja-JP") && str_productID.Equals("11573"))){ 1496 } 1497 else{ 1498 if (isComingSoon) 1499 { 1500 @:&nbsp; 1501 } 1502 else if(userCurrency != siteCurrency){ 1503 <span class="inputSubmit" data-toggle="tooltip" title="@(Translate("CurrencyMissmatch","Your currency does not match the websites currency. Please navigate to the proper page."))"> 1504 <button type="submit" disabled><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></button> 1505 </span> 1506 } 1507 else if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productSource)){ 1508 <span class="inputSubmit" data-toggle="tooltip" title="@(Translate("ProductNotAvailable","This product is not currently available."))"> 1509 <button type="submit" disabled><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></button> 1510 </span> 1511 } 1512 else{ 1513 <button type="submit"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></button> 1514 } 1515 } 1516 } 1517 </div> 1518 } 1519 </form> 1520 </div> 1521 </li> 1522 1523 previousElement = group.Key; 1524 } 1525 </ul> 1526 @if(itemsCount == prodLoop.Count()) { 1527 @ShowTextAboutMoreOptionsInPreviousOrNextPages(loopProduct) 1528 } 1529 </li> 1530 } 1531 </ul> 1532 1533 1534 1535 @{ 1536 int totalproductCount = GetInteger("Ecom:ProductList.PageProdCnt"); 1537 string tooManyResults = Translate("tooManyResults","Your search returned too many results. Please refine your search"); 1538 } 1539 <div class="pageBottom col-xs-3 noPadding"> 1540 <form id="bottom_pageSizeProdList" class="" action="/Default.aspx" name="ExtUserForm_Main" method="GET"> 1541 @if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["adv1"])){ 1542 <div class="advFields"> 1543 @for(var adv = 1; adv < 12; adv++){ 1544 @hiddenField("adv" + adv, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams["adv" + adv]) ? requestParams["adv" + adv] : "") 1545 } 1546 </div> 1547 } 1548 <fieldset> 1549 <label>@Translate("Results Per Page"):</label> 1550 <select name="PageSize"> 1551 <option selected="@(str_pageSize == "25" || str_pageSize == "")" value="25">25</option> 1552 <option selected="@(str_pageSize == "50")" value="50">50</option> 1553 <option selected="@(str_pageSize == "100")" value="100">100</option> 1554 <option selected="@(str_pageSize == "200" || str_pageSize == "1")" value="200">200</option> 1555 </select> 1556 </fieldset> 1557 </form> 1558 </div> 1559 1560 @if(num_totalPages > 1) 1561 { 1562 string getGlobalRequest = GetGlobalValue("Global:Request.Url"); 1563 1564 <ul class="pagination pageBottom pull-right col-xs-5"> 1565 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prevPageClean)) 1566 { 1567 <li class="previous"><a href='@prevPageClean'><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> @Translate("Previous")</a></li> 1568 } 1569 1570 @if(num_curPage > 2 && num_totalPages > 3){ 1571 for(int i=1;i <= 1;i++){ 1572 string str_active = num_curPage == i ? "class=\"active\"" : ""; 1573 str_pagingHref = getGlobalRequest.Contains("PageNum") ? getGlobalRequest.Replace("PageNum="+num_curPage, "PageNum=" + i ) : getGlobalRequest + "&PageNum=" + i; 1574 <li @str_active><a href="@str_pagingHref">@i</a></li> 1575 } 1576 if(num_totalPages > 4 && num_curPage != 3 ) { 1577 <li class="etc"><span>...</span></li> 1578 } 1579 } 1580 1581 @foreach (LoopItem i in loop_productList3) 1582 { 1583 if(i.GetBoolean("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.IsCurrent")) 1584 { 1585 <li class="active"><a href="@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.UrlHtmlEncoded")">@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.Number")</a></li> 1586 } 1587 else 1588 { 1589 <li><a href="@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.UrlHtmlEncoded")">@i.GetString("Ecom:ProductList.Pages3.Page.Number")</a></li> 1590 } 1591 } 1592 @if(num_curPage < num_totalPages-1 && num_totalPages > 3){ 1593 if(num_totalPages > 4) { 1594 <li class="etc"><span>...</span></li> 1595 } 1596 for(int i=num_totalPages;i <= num_totalPages;i++){ 1597 string str_active = num_curPage == i ? "class=\"active\"" : ""; 1598 str_pagingHref = getGlobalRequest.Contains("PageNum") ? getGlobalRequest.Replace("PageNum="+num_curPage, "PageNum="+i) : getGlobalRequest + "&PageNum=" + i; 1599 <li @str_active><a href="@str_pagingHref">@i</a></li> 1600 } 1601 } 1602 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextPageClean)) 1603 { 1604 <li class="next"><a href='@nextPageClean'>@Translate("Next") <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li> 1605 } 1606 </ul> 1607 } 1608 1609 </div> 1610 1611 @functions { 1612 public static string StripHtml(string source) 1613 { 1614 return Regex.Replace(source, "<.*?>", string.Empty); 1615 } 1616 } 1617 1618 @SnippetStart("jsOnLoad") 1619 @: onLoadProductList(); 1620 @SnippetEnd("jsOnLoad") 1621 1622 } 1623 } 1624 else{ 1625 var countProductDiscountinued = 0; 1626 var productDetailPage = item["ProductDetail"].ToString(); 1627 string liveSearchPage = item["LiveSearchPage"].ToString(); 1628 string advancedSearchLink = LocalizeLinks("/dwcountry/advanced-search"); 1629 1630 // If product is discountinued send to PDP 1631 if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str_keywordsParam)) 1632 { 1633 string productDiscountinued = GetDiscountinuedProductId(str_keywordsParam); 1634 if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(productDiscountinued)) 1635 { 1636 string urlRedirect = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl("Default.aspx?ID="+@productDetailPage+"&ProductID="+productDiscountinued); 1637 BioLegend.Shared.WebUtility.Redirect(urlRedirect); 1638 } 1639 1640 } 1641 1642 <div id="listContainer"> 1643 @if(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["p1"] != null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Keywords"])){ 1644 <h2>@Translate("noProductsFoundProductSearch","There are no products that match your term.")</h2> 1645 <div>@Translate("modifyYourSearch") <a href="@advancedSearchLink">@Translate("Advanced Search")</a> @Translate("modifyYourSearchB")</div> 1646 <div>@LocalizeLinks(Translate("contactCustomSolutionsTeamSearch"))<br /><hr /></div> 1647 1648 <div id="contentResults"></div> 1649 @SnippetStart("jsOnLoad") 1650 @: onLoadContentSearchItems('@System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["Keywords"]'); 1651 @SnippetEnd("jsOnLoad") 1652 1653 } 1654 else { 1655 @SnippetStart("jsOnLoad") 1656 @: onLoadPartialSearch("@SearchForPartialTerms(Pageview.Page.ID)", '@Translate("performePartialSearch","Performing partial match search..")'); 1657 @SnippetEnd("jsOnLoad") 1658 1659 } 1660 </div> 1661 1662 @functions { 1663 public static string SearchForPartialTerms(int pageID) { 1664 string allQuery = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.ToString(); 1665 1666 for(var i = 1; i <= 12; i++){ 1667 if(!allQuery.Contains("k"+i+"=")){ 1668 break; 1669 } 1670 allQuery = allQuery.Replace(("k"+i+"="), ("p"+i+"=")); 1671 } 1672 1673 allQuery = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl("Default.aspx?" + allQuery); 1674 1675 return allQuery; 1676 } 1677 1678 public static string GetDiscountinuedProductId(string str_keywordsParam) 1679 { 1680 string productId = string.Empty; 1681 1682 using (var connection = Dynamicweb.Data.Database.CreateConnection()) 1683 { 1684 using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) 1685 { 1686 command.CommandText = "SELECT ProductID FROM EcomProducts WHERE ProductNumber = ''+@str_keywordsParam+'' and ProductStatus = '1'"; 1687 command.Parameters.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() 1688 { 1689 ParameterName = "str_keywordsParam", 1690 SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1691 Value = str_keywordsParam 1692 }); 1693 1694 using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) 1695 { 1696 if (reader != null) 1697 { 1698 while (reader.Read()) 1699 { 1700 productId = reader["ProductID"].ToString(); 1701 } 1702 } 1703 } 1704 } 1705 } 1706 1707 return productId; 1708 } 1709 } 1710 }

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