Product: FITC anti-human CD16
Catalog No.: 302006
elodie segura, Dr Institut Curie

Good antibody
Overall: Product Quality: Ease of Use:
Strong staining on PBMC and cultured cells.
Experimental Design

Application: Flow cytometry
Cells used: PBMC, cultured macrophages
Brief Protocol: Cell surface staining after blocking with TruStain.
Concentration used : 1/100
Results Summary: Strong staining
Additional Notes: This antibody works fine even when blocking non-specific binding with TruStain.

The image shows staining on PBMC (gated on live cells).
Data Image

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Publication Status

This data has not been published.
Technical Service Notes

The ability of this clone to bind CD16 in the presence of Human TruStain is also noted in our FAQ section on the product webpage:

Q: Is our human trustain (cat# 422302) compatible with anti human CD16, CD32 and CD64 clones 3G8, FUN-2 and 10.1 respectively?

A: Yes.
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