Product: Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag (L5) Affinity Gel
Catalog No.: 651503
HE XIAOBING, Dr. The University of Michigan

Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag (L5) Affinity Gel Works very well to immunoprecipitate FLAG-tagged protein
Overall: Product Quality: Ease of Use:
It's works efficiently, is easy to use, shows very good stability after 2 years of storage, and saves a lot
Experimental Design

Application: Immunoprecipitate the FLAG-tagged protein
Cells used: HEK293T
Brief Protocol: Cells were transfected with FLAG-tagged construct.
Lysate was made with RIPA buffer.
Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag (L5) Affinity Gel was washed once with PBS before RIPA lysate was added into the gel.
L5 gel was incubated with protein lysate overnight at 4 degrees celcius with rotation.
IP was washed with RIPA buffer 5 times.
FLAG-tagged protein was eluted with 2x SDS sample buffer and boiled for 5 min.
Results Summary: Flag tagged protein was pulled down by the anti-DYKDDDDK tag L5 gel and showed very nice purity by Coomassie Blue staining or western blot assay.
Additional Notes: This product showed very great stability: since the cold room broke down during the Christmas holiday and the temperature rose up to room temperature and the gel was kept at RT for 7 days. But it still works fine.
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