Product: Purified anti-mouse CD16/32
Catalog No.: 101302
yougang zhai, research associate Loyola University Chicago

Using Fc Blocking Antibody for FACS
Overall: Product Quality: Ease of Use:
The blocking antibody works very well.
Experimental Design

Application: Block cell Fc receptor before staining with cell surface marker for FACS.
Cells used: Mouse freshly isolated peritoneal cells
Brief Protocol: Mice were pretreated with PBS or drug (LF fraction 10). Two days later, mice were injected with LPS via i.p. and peritoneal cells were collected 4 hr later. Cells were blocked with Fc blocking antibody and then stained with FITC-anti mouse Ly-6G. cells were analyzed by FACS.

Results Summary: Fc blocking results in highly specific staining and high fluorescence signal of neutrophil cell marker.
Additional Notes: We used Fc blocking antibody before staining target protein in FACS and the results showed that antibody staining was very specific, suggesting that Fc blocking antibody worked very well.
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